Sneha Girap (Editor)

Swiss Miss (film)

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Film series
Laurel and Hardy Series





United States

Swiss Miss (film) movie poster

Release date
May 20, 1938 (1938-05-20)

Jean Negulesco (original story), Charley Rogers (original story), James Parrott (screen play), Felix Adler (screen play), Charlie Melson (screen play)

(Stan), (Ollie),
Della Lind
(Anna Albert), (Edward), (Cheese Shop Owner),
Jean De Briac

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Laurel and Hardy Series movies

Laurel hardy let me call you sweet heart 1938 swiss miss

Swiss Miss, is a 1938 comedy film directed by John G. Blystone, produced by Hal Roach and starring Laurel and Hardy. It also features Walter Woolf King, Della Lind and Eric Blore in support.


Swiss Miss (film) movie scenes

Laurel hardy i can t get over the alps 1938 swiss miss


Swiss Miss (film) movie scenes

Stan and Ollie are mousetrap salesmen hoping for better business in Switzerland, with Stan's theory that because there is more cheese in Switzerland, there should be more mice.

Swiss Miss (film) movie scenes

While visiting one village, they find the villagers unresponsive. On top of that, a cheese shop owner cons them out of their wares with a bogus banknote, and they are forced to work as dishwashers in a nearby hotel after ordering a slap-up meal they are unable to pay for. They also had antagonized and insulted the chef, who tells them that for each dish they break they work another day. A Viennese composer present at the hotel is disrupted by the presence of his wife - an opera singer who upstages him constantly; Ollie subsequently falls in love with her. Various mis-adventures ensue (including Laurel getting drunk on a St. Bernard's keg of brandy, a confrontation with a local street musician's gorilla on a perilously-perched rope bridge, while carting a small piano over it to an isolated cliff house so the composer can work there in peace). This struggle ends with the bridge breaking and the portable piano & gorilla plunging into the abyss.

Swiss Miss (film) wwwgstaticcomtvthumbmovieposters3541p3541p

The smashing of the piano obliges the composer to use the large organ near the staircase, until a replacement is delivered. Assigned to wash the stairs, the boys inadvertently dump soap water into the organ pipes and this causes the music to be accompanied by bubbles as the composer works on his latest piece. The boys have some fun with the 'musical' bubbles.

Swiss Miss (film) Swiss Miss

Also in love with the opera singer, the chef sees Hardy as a rival, especially after he was awakened by Stanley playing the tuba outside his window (the boys thinking that it was the singer's window) and Hardy singing to serenade her. The angry chef douses Hardy with a pitcher of water and then threatens the boys. The next day, the rivalry comes to a head with a wild chase. The boys overpower the hotel's burly chef and visit the singer, only to discover that she is indeed married to the composer. As they leave the hotel & village, they are then confronted by the vengeful gorilla (on crutches) who hurls his crutch at them before they depart, running.


  • Stan Laurel as Stan
  • Oliver Hardy as Ollie
  • Walter Woolf King as Victor Albert
  • Della Lind as Anna Albert
  • Eric Blore as Edward, Victor's assistant
  • Adia Kuznetzoff as the hotel cook
  • Charles Judels as the Cheese Shop Owner
  • Ludovico Tomarchio as Luigi, hotel chef
  • Franz Hug as a Flag Thrower
  • Jean de Briac as Enrico
  • George Sorel as Joseph
  • Charles Gemora as a Gorilla
  • Production

    Swiss Miss (film) Swiss Miss 1938 Laurel Hardy Pinterest Hal roach

    Producer Hal Roach is said to have indulged in artistic interference during the film's editing, much to Stan Laurel's exasperation. Always a large creative force behind the camera, Laurel objected to Roach's removing scenes, including the addition of a bomb in the composer's piano, where the tapping of a particular key would set it off. A drunken Stan is seen touching the piano keys during the piano delivery sequence involving the gorilla; Laurel initially thought the inclusion of the bomb would give the scene more power. A musical number in the cheese shop was also removed; only a few lyrics remain in the film. (The bomb in the piano gag would later be used in a Bugs Bunny/Yosemite Sam cartoon Ballot Box Bunny.)

    Charles Gemora, who plays the gorilla, had six years earlier appeared in the title role of a Laurel and Hardy theatrical short The Chimp.


    Swiss Miss (film) Wikipedia
    Swiss Miss (film) IMDb Swiss Miss (film)

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