Girish Mahajan (Editor)

Swashbuckler (video game)

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Initial release date

Fighting game

Datamost, Comptiq


Single-player video game

Swashbuckler (video game) wwwelisoftwareorgimagesthumb22bDatam0007jp

Apple II, PC-8800 Series, FM-7

Datamost games, Adventure games

Swashbuckler is an early fighting game for the Apple II family of computers, created by Paul Stephenson and published by Datamost in 1982.


The player controls a sword-wielding swashbuckler who must fight and dispatch various attackers. Combat occurs in a wooden-beamed ship's hold littered with skeletons and cobwebs, which the player views from the side.

The Apple II version of the game was translated into Bulgarian under the name "Авантюрист" (Adventurer).


The fighter's actions are controlled with the keyboard, and include moving left or right (A and D), turning (S) and swinging the sword high (I), low (M), or lunging straight (L). The first opponent is a large, lumbering man with a spiked club; once defeated, the second opponent appears, a smaller man armed with a hatchet and a dagger. After defeating him, both return and attack together. As play progresses, more opponents are added to the fray, including enormous rats and venomous snakes. Eventually the swashbuckler progresses out of the hold to the sunlit deck, though opponents continue to be a major threat.

For each enemy dispatched, the game awards a point. The swashbuckler can withstand two hits, but the third kills him and ends the game. The difficulty steadily increases until he's overwhelmed. After 83 kills, the pattern of enemies keeps repeating and if the player manages to get 256 kills, the counter resets to zero.


Computer Gaming World gave the game a glowing review, only lamenting the rollover of the five-digit score at 250 (which was fixed prior to final publication), appended by an editor's note that, although the graphics were superb and the concept somewhat unusual, the players at CGW grew tired of the lack of variety after a few dozen kills.


Swashbuckler (video game) Wikipedia

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