Puneet Varma (Editor)

Sultan Sahak

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Sultan sahak song

Sultan Sahak, or Soltân Sahak (Persian: سلطان سهاک‎‎) (born 14th century; died 15th century), was a Kurdish religious leader who founded spiritual path of the Ahl-e Haqq, also known as the Yârsân. He is considered to be the manifestation that fully reflects the divine essence by the Ahl-e Haqq and revealer/expounder of the fourth stage of the religion.



Sultan Sahak was born in Barzanjeh, which is in the province of present-day Sulaymania, Northern Iraq. According to the Ahl-e Haqq hagiography, he was a direct descendant of the Shia Islamic Imam Musa Kazim. Later on his life, he moved to the Avroman region in Iran. His father, Shaykh Isi, was a religious leader and his mother, Khatun-e Razbar, is considered the manifestation of one of the seven archangels. As with Jesus, the birth of Sultan is also believed to have been a case of virgin birth. According to his followers he revealed the fourth stage of the religion (Haqiqat=truth) to earth, the Bayabas-e Pirdiwari (beyond the bridge). According to the Ahl-e Haqq hagiography, the Asian conqueror Timur (Tamerlane) once met with Sultan and used him as an oracle.

Sultan Sahak's teachings were recorded by his disciples and later published in the Gurani language as the Kalam-e Saranjam. He is given various names by the followers of the Ahl-e Haqq, including Shah-e Haqiqat (the King of Truth), Saheb-Karam, Saan Sahaak and Khwaavandekaar (Lord).


Sultan Sahak revealed several principles that constitute the core belief of the Ahl-e Haqq mystical sect:

  • The four pillars of the fourth stage (the stage of the Truth or Haqqiqat): purity (pāki), rectitude (rāsti), self-effacement (nisti), and self-abnegation (redā).
  • The partial or total manifestation of the divine essence in human form.
  • The guidance from the arch-angel Gabriel for all those who want to reach the truth
  • The seven arch-angels, who were the first creations of the highest rank and who perform missions to guide humanity.
  • The divine hierarchy, which constitutes the saviours, who manifest themselves on earth and other planes
  • The principle of ascending successive lives for the process of perfection
  • References

    Sultan Sahak Wikipedia

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