Harman Patil (Editor)

Strammer Max

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Strammer Max Strammer Max Recipe SAVEUR

Bitterballen, Croque‑monsieur, Frikandel, Bauernfrühstück, Fatback

Strammer max hausmannskost

Strammer Max is a traditional name applied to various sandwich dishes in German cuisine.


Westm nsterland bbq 59 strammer max

Original dish

Strammer Max Einfacher Strammer Max Rezept mit Bild von bienemaja Chefkochde

The original Strammer Max is a slice of bread, sometimes fried in butter, covered with ham and fried egg. The ham may also be pan-fried; it is also possible to replace the ham with a slice of roast beef, in which case the dish is sometimes called Strammer Otto. Cheese and tomato are sometimes used, but these are later additions to the original recipe.


Strammer Max Strammer Max NickyampMax

Outside of the Berlin region, the term is also used for several other dishes. Regional variations of the term are not set in stone, and it is not always possible to tell in advance what dish will be served after ordering Strammer Max in a restaurant.

Strammer Max Strammer Max Gourmandise Flickr

  • In Bavaria, a Strammer Max is usually a slice of Leberkäse accompanied by fried egg and potato salad.
  • In the Netherlands, the equivalent dish is known as an uitsmijter, which is also the Dutch word for bouncer.

  • Strammer Max httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

    Strammer Max Strammer Max ganz klassisch


    Strammer Max Wikipedia

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