Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Stoldo Lorenzi

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Stoldo Lorenzi

1583, Pisa, Italy

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Stoldo Lorenzi (1534 - after 1583) was an Italian Mannerist sculptor.

Stoldo Lorenzi Stoldo Lorenzi Wikipedia

Born at Settignano, he studied in Florence and was influenced by artists such as Giambologna and Tribolo. Lorenzi mostly executed bronze sculptures. His masterwork in Florence is considered the Fountain of Neptune in the Boboli Gardens (1565–1568).

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Later he worked in other areas of Italy. In Milan he provided some sculptures for the façade of Santa Maria presso San Celso (1573–1582). In Pisa he executed an "Angel" for the Duomo.

He died in Pisa after 1583.


Stoldo Lorenzi Wikipedia

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