Stephen Lawlor was born in Dublin in 1958 and is an honours graduate of its National College of Art and Design from 1980-1983. During the 1980s he taught in DĂșn Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology Dublin, his work during this time was based on the figure of the horse which he developed through drawings etchings, lithographs and monotypes. An accomplished painter as well as a master printer, Lawlor has recently started to make sculpture in bronze . He has had solo shows in Ireland , England and the U.S.A. and has participated in numerous International Group exhibitions. His work is in private collections in the U.S.A., Australia , The Far East and most of Europe .
He has been a member of Graphic Studio Dublin since 1984 and is its current Chairman.
2006 Landscape, Hillsboro Fine Art, Dublin 2005 Hillsboro Fine Art, Dublin 2005 Graphic Studio Gallery, Dublin 2003 Recent Paintings Hillsboro Fine Art, Dublin 1997 Graphic Studio Gallery, Dublin 1997 Yello Gallery, Chicago 1997 Hillsborough Fine Art, Dublin 1993 Pantheon Gallery, Dublin 1990 Droichead Arts Centre, Drogheda 1990 Talent Store Gallery, London 2004 Paintings and Prints, Stockholm, Sweden 2002 Northern Ljus Stockholm, Sweden 2001 Galleri Hippo, Stockholm, Sweden 2000 Triennale Mondiale Paris, France 1999 Boyle Arts Festival, Roscommon 1999 R.H.A. Gallagher Gallery, Dublin 1999/8 The Original Print Fair, Royal Academy, London 1998 Irish Heritage, Hodges Taylor Gallery, Charlottsville, N. Carolina 1998 Art into Art, National Gallery, Dublin 1998 International Ex., Stockholm, Sweden 1998 5 Printmakers, Frank Lewis Gallery, Killarney 1997 The Original Print Fair, Royal Academy, London 1997 Trinnale Mondiale Chamalieres, France 1997 Out of Ireland, Keenesaw State University, Georgia, U.S.A. 1996 Yello Gallery, Cork 1995 The Print Initiative, (8 shows around Ireland) 1994 A Sense of Ireland, Hong Kong 1993 Dublin Graphics, Alvar Aalto Museum, Finland 1992 Edition One, Graphic Studio Gallery, Dublin 1991 European Large Format Printmaking, Guinness Hop Store, Dublin 1989 International Miniprint Exhibition, R.H.A. Gallery, Dublin 1989 Ernesto Besso Foundation, Rome 1986 A Sense of Ireland, Singapore 1985 Central Academy of Fine Art, Beijing, China 1989 Award Winner, International Miniprint Exhibition, R.H.A. Gallery, Dublin 1989 Arts Council Travel Award, Finland 1993 Dept. of Foreign Affairs, Travel Award, Singapore 1997 Arts Council Travel Award, Chicago 1999 Print Award, Prizewinner, R.H.A. Dublin Allied Irish Banks Citibank Gilbeys Ireland Ltd Irish Computers Irish Management Institute Great Southern Hotels Group Dublin City University :Dark Horse (Hyperion) Office of Public Works Butler Gallery , KilkennyThe Smurfit Group The Hastings Group Irish Intercontinental Bank National Gallery Of IrelandWebsite -