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Some Answered Questions

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Bahá'í Faith books, Other books

Some answered questions 2 proofs and evidences of the existence of god

Some Answered Questions is a book that was first published in 1908. It contains questions related to religion, philosophy and science, asked to `Abdu'l-Bahá by Laura Clifford Barney, during several of her visits to Haifa between 1904 and 1906, and `Abdu'l-Bahá's answers to these questions. `Abdu'l-Bahá was the son of Bahá'u'lláh, the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, and was appointed by him as his successor and interpreter of his words.


Topics covered include the Prophets of God, human evolution, immortality of the soul, the relationship between the soul and the body, reincarnation and Christian subjects.

Some answered questions 41 universal cycles


'Abdu'l-Bahá's answers were first written down in Persian by a secretary, and afterwards revised twice by 'Abdu'l-Bahá. In 1908, three first editions were published: The Persian text by E.J. Brill in The Netherlands; the English translation of Laura Clifford Barney by Regan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co. in London; and a French edition translated by Hippolyte Dreyfus, published by Ernest Leroux in Paris.

A new English translation revised by a committee at the Bahá'í World Centre was published in 2014 and made available in early 2015.


The book is divided into five parts:

I. On the Influence of the Prophets in the Evolution of Humanity

Part one covers topics such as the one universal law that governs nature, rational and spiritual proofs of the existence of God, Manifestations of God (Abraham, Moses, Christ, Muhammad, (includes His wives and battles), the Báb, and Bahá'u'lláh), and Biblical prophecies from chapters 8, 9 and 12 of the Book of Daniel (see Day-year principle), chapter 11 of the Book of Isaiah and chapters 11 and 12 of the Book of Revelation.

II. Some Christian Subjects

Part two consists of subjects of Christian interest, such as the significance of symbolism ("intelligible realities and their expression through sensible forms"), an examination and breakdown of various verses from the Bible, the story of Adam and Eve, the birth of Christ, the greatness of Christ, baptism, miracles, the Eucharist, Peter and the Papacy, the resurrection of Christ, the Holy Spirit, the second coming of Christ, the Day of Judgement, the Trinity, sin, blasphemy, and predestination.

III. On the Powers and Conditions of the Manifestations of God

Part three speaks about topics such as the five aspects of spirit, the stations, power and influence of the Manifestations of God, universal cycles, the two classes of Prophets, God's rebukes to the Prophets and infallibility.

IV. On the Origin, Powers and Conditions of Man

The fourth part includes a commentary on the theory of evolution, the origin of the universe, the difference between man and animal, the origin of man, the difference between the soul, mind, and spirit, human nature, the origin of the spirit and mind of man, the relationship between the spirit and the body, the relationship between God and man (emanationism), the physical and intellectual powers of man, the differences of character in men, the degree of knowledge man possesses and the knowledge the Manifestations of God possess, man's knowledge of God, the immortality of the spirit, the state and progress of the spirit after death, fate, the influence of the stars, free will, visions, dreams and communication with spirits, and spiritual and physical healing.

V. Miscellaneous Subjects

Part five goes into topics such as the nonexistence of evil, two kinds of torment, the justice and mercy of God, the punishment of criminals, strikes, reality, pre-existence, reincarnation, pantheism ('Unity of Existence'), four kinds of comprehension, and ethics.


Some Answered Questions Wikipedia

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