Trisha Shetty (Editor)

Sisymbrium irio

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Higher classification

Scientific name
Sisymbrium irio


Sisymbrium irio Sisymbrium irio London hedgemustard Go Botany

Sisymbrium, Cabbage family, Descurainia sophia, Sisymbrium orientale, Hedge Mustard

Octonary ingredients of sisymbrium irio formulations pankaj oudhia s medicinal plant database

Sisymbrium irio, known as London rocket, is a plant in the family Brassicaceae. It is an annual herb exceeding three feet in height with open, slender stem branches. The flowers are small with four pale yellow petals. The basal leaves are broad and often lobed, while the upper leaves are linear in shape and up to four inches long. The fruit is a long narrow cylindrical silique which stays green when ripe. The younger pods overtop the flowers. When dried the fruit has small red oblong seeds. The common name "London rocket" comes from its abundance after the Great Fire of London in 1666. However, Dr E J Salisbury, in his study of the bombsites of London after the Great Fire of 1940, "failed to find a single specimen, nor has any other reliable observer reported it", according to R. S. R. Fitter.


Sisymbrium irio Sisymbrium irio

This species is considered a weed in some areas.

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Sisymbrium irio Sisymbrium irio London hedgemustard Go Botany

London rocket is used in the Middle East to treat coughs and chest congestion, to relieve rheumatism, to detoxify the liver and spleen, and to reduce swelling and clean wounds. The Bedouin use the leaf of London Rocket as a tobacco substitute.

Sisymbrium irio SEINet Arizona Chapter Sisymbrium irio

Sisymbrium irio Sisymbrium irio London rocket

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