Kalpana Kalpana (Editor)

Show business

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A tribe called quest show business

Show business, sometimes shortened to show biz or showbiz (since c. 1945), is a vernacular term for all aspects of the entertainment industry. From the business side (including managers, agents, producers, and distributors), the term applies to the creative element (including artists, performers, writers, musicians, and technicians) and was in common usage throughout the 20th century, although the first known use in print dates from 1850. At that time and for several decades, it typically included an initial the. By the latter part of the century, it had acquired a slightly arcane quality associated with the era of variety, but the term is still in active use. In modern entertainment industry, it is often associated with the fashion industry (creating trend and fashion) and acquiring intellectual property rights from the invested research in the entertainment business.


Show business Show Business Quotes

Nathan lane there s no business like show business

Show Business and the Film Industry

Show business Show Business Quotes

Making films has had an big impact on American history. While movies have helped describe society, history of film has shown that censorship played an essential part in guiding the story being told.

Industrial sectors and companies

The entertainment sector can be split up into the following subsectors:

Show business Show Business Quotes

  • Amusement parks
  • Animation
  • Casting
  • Event management
  • Film
  • Gambling
  • Game manufacturers
  • Home video and home video distributors
  • Media
  • Music
  • Professional wrestling promotions
  • Sex business
  • Special effects
  • Sports management and sports event promotion
  • Talent agency
  • Theatre production
  • Toys and Merchandise
  • Leisure

  • Show business Strictly Pros Dance to 39There39s No Business like Show Business


    Show business Wikipedia

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