Siddhesh Joshi (Editor)

Shimazu Toyohisa

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Shimazu Iehisa

October 21, 1600


Shimazu Toyohisa

Shimazu Toyohisa Shimazu Toyohisa page 5 of 6 Zerochan Anime Image Board

Other names
Houjumaru (豊寿丸), Tadatoyo (忠豊), Toyohisa (豊久), Ten'rei Shoun(天岑昌運), Matashichirou (又七郎)

Chamberlain (Jijyuu), Ministry of Central Affairs (Nakatsukasajyu)

Daughter of Shimazu Tadanaga

Shimazu Tadanao (brother), sister (wife of Nejime Shigehira), sister (wife of Sata Hisayoshi), sister (wife of Shimazu Hisanobu & Sagara Yoriyasu), Shimazu Yoshihiro (uncle), Shimazu Yoshihisa (uncle), Shimazu Toshihisa (uncle)

Similar People

Resting place
Tenshouji graveyard

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Shimazu Toyohisa (島津 豊久, July, 1570 – October 21, 1600), son of Shimazu Iehisa and nephew of Shimazu Yoshihiro, was a Japanese samurai who was a member of the Shimazu clan. He served in the Battle of Kyushu (1587) under his uncle, Shimazu Yoshihiro, against the Toyotomi. He fought bravely, but was ambushed off route when he charged forward. He was saved by his uncle. He also was said to be a participant in the Battle of Sekigahara (1600), where he was killed fending off enemy troops during their retreat at the conclusion of the battle. His wife was the daughter of Shimazu Tadanaga, cousin and karō to Shimazu Yoshihisa.


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Shimazu Toyohisa is the main character in Hirano Kouta's Drifters, where he fights alongside Oda Nobunaga, Nasu no Yoichi, and other historical figures in a fantasy world. He is also a playable character in Koei Tecmo's Samurai Warriors 4. He can also be played in Samurai Warriors 4: Empires in the Shimazu clan.

Shimazu Toyohisa Shimazu Toyohisa Fanart page 4 Zerochan Anime Image Board

Shimazu Toyohisa httpsiytimgcomvivzwlFj9bucAmaxresdefaultjpg

Shimazu Toyohisa Shimazu Toyohisa Fanart Zerochan Anime Image Board

Shimazu Toyohisa Shimazu Toyohisa Drifters Manga Zerochan Anime Image Board

Shimazu Toyohisa Shimazu Toyohisa Drifters Manga Zerochan Anime Image Board

Shimazu Toyohisa Tags Anime Red Fight Stance Samurai Splatter Blood Splatter


Shimazu Toyohisa Wikipedia

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