Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Serge Golovach

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Serge Golovach


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Exhibition of andrey shevchenko and serge golovach stratification

Sergey Mikhaylovich Golovach (born June 3, 1970 in Birobidzhan in the former U.S.S.R.) is a contemporary artist. He uses body-art, performance art, panoramic photography, photo-films, silk screen printing, animation as well as pod-casting as artistic media. He regularly and actively participates in gallery and art museum exhibitions and projects; and contributes to the artistic concept of several magazines.


Serge Golovach PD Stock photo Serge Golovach Well Know Russian Photo Artist

In 1986 he graduated from a local art school. In 2001 he graduated from DVAGS in Khabarovsk (Russian Far East), in 2006 obtained DMAN through “Seminar for Young Managers of Cultural Institutions and Museums in the Russian Federation" program in Celle (Germany, Lower Saxony). 2001 moved to Moscow.

Serge Golovach Serge Golovach Saatchi Art

Meeting with serge golovach

Social art

Serge Golovach wwwgolovachinfoimagesindexGolovach15LaserM

Has authored, and continues to conduct, several social-artistic projects:

Against AIDS:

  • author's project “+” (2007, Moscow, "Fine Art Gallery", II Moscow Biennale of contemporary Art, parallel program)
  • author's project “EYE2EYE. Women Against AIDS” (2008, Moscow, Polytechnic Museum, specially for “AIDS - Regional Public Organization for Information and Communication”, with information support by “Officiel”, “Foto& Video” magazines and “Voice of Russia” (radio)
  • author's project “Stars Against AIDS” (2008, Moscow, Stella Art Foundation, specially for United Nations HIV/AIDS program (UNAIDS)
  • Against Tuberculosis:

  • author's project “Your Health in Your Hands/Celebrities Against Tuberculosis” (2009, Moscow, Polytechnic Museum, specially for the [Lilly] MDR-TB partnership, fighting medication-resistant tuberculosis, as well as the Russian Red Cross, with information support by “Foto& Video” magazine, “Russian Radio” and “Radio MONTE-CARLO”).
  • Against Cancer:

  • author's project “Celebrities against Breast Cancer”(2008, Moscow, “Sex and the City” magazine)
  • author's projects “GRüNLinie. Body Diagrams” & “Beauty Will Save The World” - (2009,
  • Khabarovsk, Far-Eastern Artistic Museum, specially for the Far-Eastern Fashion Theatre)


  • The State Russian Museum, Saint Petersburg, 2005
  • Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow, 2003 & 2009
  • National Centre for Contemporary Arts, Moscow, 2003
  • Moscow House of Photography, Moscow, 2003
  • Far East Art Museum / Khabarovsk, 2002 & 2009
  • Centre for Contemporary Art, Vitebsk, 2003
  • Private collections : Sophia Trotsenko, Alexander Schumov Supremus, Nikolai Palaschenko, Sergey Popov, Andrey Malakhov, Sergey Kardanovskyi, Jorg Bongarts, Anna & Roman Mitanchin
  • Educational institutions

  • Far-Eastern Academy of Public Service (2001)
  • Deutsche Management Akademie Niedersachsen (2006)
  • Professional Unions

  • Union of Photo Artists, since January 2000
  • International Association ‘Society of Designers’, since March 2001
  • International Federation of Journalists, since August 2001
  • Professional Union of Artists, since May 2003
  • Creative Union of Artists of Russia, since December 2009
  • Publications in photoalbums and books

  • Nikon Photo Contest International 2000-2001, catalogue Tokio
  • FotoBiennale, catalogue, Moscow 2002
  • K.A.Efimov "Forbidden Themes", "Ganymedes" Tver 2002
  • F.Mondimore "A Natural History of Homosexuality", "U-Faktorya" Ekaterinburg 2002
  • I.S.Kon "The Male Body in Cultural History", "Slovo" Italy 2003
  • "Eurasia", "Blue Iceberg" Paris-Saint-Petersburg 2003
  • Art Klyazma, catalogue, Moscow 2003
  • Gallery on Solyanka, catalogue, Moscow 2004
  • FotoBiennale, catalogue, Moscow 2004
  • DAR, catalogue, Moscow 2005
  • "Fashion and Style in Photography", catalogue, Moscow 2005
  • Malevich. Classic Avant-Garde-8, Almanach. 2005
  • I.Isaev, A. Bartenev "Body-Art : People and Colours", "Niola XXI Century" Moscow 2005
  • "Dead Times and Great Expectations", "Blue Iceberg" Paris-Saint-Petersburg 2005
  • Photo Catalogue "Nude", "ArtCity" Klin 2006
  • FotoBiennale, catalogue, Moscow 2006
  • V. Tarasenko "64 Strategists. Book of Business Mutations", "Genesis" Moscow 2006
  • "Men for Men. Homoerotism and Male Homosexuality in the History of Photography Since 1840". Random House, London, 2007
  • "Stars Against AIDS", catalogue, Moscow 2008
  • FotoBiennale, catalogue, Moscow 2008
  • "Best of Russia - 2008", catalogue, Moscow 2008
  • "Eli Lilly MDR-TB Partnership in Russia", catalogue, Moscow 2008
  • "Fashion and Style in Photography", catalogue, Moscow 2009
  • "Best of Russia - 2009", catalogue, Moscow 2009
  • Publications in magazines

    L`Officiel, GQ, Playboy, Sex and the City, Cosmopolitan, Magia Cosmo, Black Square, Hello!, Menu Magazine, the New Times, Foto & Video, Ом, Good House, Mezonine, Madam Figaro, Otdokhni, PhotoDelo, Dialogue of Arts, SNOB, Domovoy

    Publications in newspapers

    Kommersant, Vremya Novostey, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Moskovskiy Komsomolets, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Vecherniaya Moskva, The San Diego Union-Tribune


    Serge Golovach Wikipedia

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