Neha Patil (Editor)

Scout Ranger Regiment

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Special Forces

Philippine Army


Scout Ranger Regiment

November 25, 1950 - Present

Airborne operations, Direct Action, Reconnaissance, Unconventional Warfare, Counter-terrorism, Hostage rescue

The Scout Rangers, known officially as the First Scout Ranger Regiment, is a Philippine Army Special Operations Command unit specializing in anti-guerrilla jungle warfare, raids, ambushes, and sabotage. The regiment has been boasted of as one of the world's best anti-guerrilla combat units.



The First Scout Ranger Regiment was formed on November 25, 1950 under the command of former AFP Vice Chief of Staff and Defense Secretary Rafael M. Ileto. The unit was modelled after two legendary fighting groups, the intelligence gathering American Alamo Scouts and the combat ready US Army Rangers, the unit was created due to a growing need to counter the Hukbalahap guerrillas and its rebellion with a force trained in small unit actions. The Scout Rangers participated in the December 1989 coup attempt against the administration of Corazon Aquino. Led by then Captain Danilo Lim, Major Abraham Purugganan and Lieutenant Colonel Rafael Galvez, some 2500 Rangers took over Makati in the most destructive coup attempt against the Aquino administration, which left hundreds of civilians and soldiers dead, and hundreds more injured.

The Scout Rangers played a major role in capturing the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) rebel camp during the all-out war against the MILF.

Their headquarters and training school are based at Camp Tecson in San Miguel, Bulacan. The land was donated by 1902 - 1906 Governor of Bulacan Province - Pablo Tecson (Pablo Ocampo Tecson) of San Miguel, Bulacan.


The following are subordinate battalions and companies of the 1st Scout Rangers.


  • 1st Scout Ranger Battalion
  • 2nd Scout Ranger Battalion
  • 3rd Scout Ranger Battalion
  • 4th Scout Ranger Battalion
  • Scout Ranger Training School
  • Companies

  • 1st Scout Ranger Company "We Dare"
  • 2nd Scout Ranger Company "Venceremos" (Sp., "We will win")
  • 3rd Scout Ranger Company "Terminator"
  • 4th Scout Ranger Company "Final Option"
  • 5th Scout Ranger Company "Salaknib" (Iloko, "Shield")
  • 6th Scout Ranger Company "The Cutting Edge"
  • 7th Scout Ranger Company "In Hoc Signo Vinces" (L., "Under this sign thou shalt conquer")
  • 8th Scout Ranger Company "Destruere Hostis Deus" (L., "Destroy the enemy of God")
  • 9th Scout Ranger Company "Angát sa Ibá!" (Tag., "Above all others!")
  • 10th Scout Ranger Company "We Lead" (Ultimus Fortis)
  • 11th Scout Ranger Company "Pericoloso" (It., "Dangerous")
  • 12th Scout Ranger Company "Always Ready"
  • 13th Scout Ranger Company "Warrior"
  • 14th Scout Ranger Company "Mabalasik" (Tag., "Fierce")
  • 15th Scout Ranger Company "Mandirigmâ" (Tag., "Fighters" or "Warriors")
  • 16th Scout Ranger Company "Mabangís" (Tag., "Vicious")
  • 17th Scout Ranger Company "Mapanganib" (Tag., "Dangerous")
  • 18th Scout Ranger Company "Makamandág" (Tag., "Venomous")
  • 19th Scout Ranger Company "Dimalupig" (Tag., "Unbeatable")
  • 20th Scout Ranger Company "Hellcat"
  • 21st Scout Ranger Company "Mapangahas" (Tag., "Fearless")
  • Commanders

  • Regimental Commanders
  • Col. Aminkadra S. Undug


    Scout Ranger Regiment Wikipedia

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