Girish Mahajan (Editor)


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A schizocarp /ˈskɪzəkɑːrp/ is a dry fruit that, when mature, splits up into mericarps.

There are different definitions:

  • Any dry fruit composed of multiple carpels that separate.
  • Under this definition the mericarps can contain one or more seeds (the mericarps of Abutilon have two or more seeds) and each mericarp can be either:
  • Indehiscent (remaining closed), such as in the carrot and other Umbelliferae or in members of the genus Malva, or
  • Dehiscent (splitting open to release the seed), for example members of the genus Geranium. This is similar to what happens with a capsule, but with an extra stage. (In Abutilon, the mericarp is sometimes only partially dehiscent and does not release the seed.)
  • Any fruit that separates into indehiscent one-seeded segments, such as a loment, Malva, Malvastrum, and Sida.
  • References

    Schizocarp Wikipedia

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