Sneha Girap (Editor)

Sante Gaiardoni

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Full name
Sante Gaiardoni

1.68 m


Sante Gaiardoni

Current team

66 kg

Sante Gaiardoni Sante Gaiardoni Wikiwand

29 June 1939 (age 85) Villafranca di Verona, Italy (

Olympic medals
Cycling at the 1960 Summer Olympics - Men's 1000m Time Trial

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Sante Gaiardoni (born 29 June 1939) is a retired Italian cyclist. He won two gold medals at the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome, in the 1000 m time trial and the 1000 m sprint. Between 1958 and 1970 he won two gold, four silver and two bronze medals in sprint events at the UCI Track Cycling World Championships.


Sante Gaiardoni Cycling Olympic Games Rome Italy 1960 SD Stock

After retirement in 1971 he ran a bicycle shop in Lorenteggio, Milan. In the 2000s he was active in politics and took part in the 2006 Italian municipal elections. In 2010, together with journalist Francesco Lodi, he published a book Quando la Rabbia si trasforma in Vittoria ("When the anger turns into victory") describing his early life until 1960.

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