Samiksha Jaiswal (Editor)

Salt marsh harvest mouse

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Higher classification





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Scientific name
Reithrodontomys raviventris

Ridgway's rail, Reithrodontomys, Mammal, Western harvest mouse, Clapper rail

Salt marsh harvest mouse

The salt marsh harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys raviventris), also known as the red-bellied harvest mouse and sometimes called the saltmarsh harvest mouse, is an endangered rodent endemic to the San Francisco Bay Area salt marshes in California. There are two distinct subspecies, both endangered and listed together on federal and state endangered species lists. The northern subspecies (Reithrodontomys raviventris halicoetes) is lighter in color and inhabits the northern marshes of the bay, and the southern subspecies (Reithrodontomys raviventris raviventris) lives in the East and South Bay marshes. They are both quite similar in appearance to their congener species, the [Western harvest mouse, R. megalotis], to which they are not closely related. Genetic studies of the northern subspecies have revealed that the salt marsh harvest mouse is most closely related to the plains harvest mouse, R. montanus, (), which occurs now in the Midwest]. Its endangered designation is due to its limited range, historic decline in population and continuing threat of habitat loss due to development encroachment at the perimeter of San Francisco Bay.


Salt marsh harvest mouse Kids Species Information Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse

Description and comparison to similar species

The southern population of the salt marsh harvest mouse tends to have dark brown fur above and a pinkish cinnamon or tawny belly; moreover, the tail is likewise bicolored. An adult's length is five to seven centimeters (2 to 3 inches) and a tail length of six to ten centimeters (2 to 4 inches). The height is between 1.5 and 2.1 centimeters (0.6 to 0.8 inches). Weight of a mature mouse is approximately 10 to 20 grams (0.35 to 0.7 ounces). The northern subspecies is also dorsally brown or reddish brown, but the venters tend to be white or cream, and rarely with a hint of reddish; tail length is usually about 120% of the body length. The upper incisors are grooved.

Salt marsh harvest mouse Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse the Tiniest Endangered Species Save The

This species is nocturnal, with particularly noted activity on moonlit nights. This mouse is particularly resourceful, making use of ground runways of other rodents; moreover, he also exhibits climbing agility. It occupies marsh habitats where pickleweed and marsh plants abound. Its many predators feature hawk, snake and owl species, as well as shorebirds and larger mammals. Predation by domestic cats is an issue due to encroachment of the limited habitat by humans at the perimeter of the San Francisco Bay.

As would be expected of a mouse native to salt marshes, this species is a competent swimmer and is tolerant of salt in its diet and water supply. It eats seeds and plants, especially pickleweed and glasswort, one of the most common salt marsh plant species.

Similar species are the Plains Harvest Mouse, and the Fulvous Harvest Mouse, which has a longer tail. The species co-occurs with the similar Western harvest mouse, which tends to have dorsal fur that is more gray than R. raviventris and with ventral fur that is white to grayish; and the House mouse which is gray, has a scaly tail and incisors without grooves, unlike those of the salt marsh harvest mouse.


Survey data from Suisun Marsh found that the salt marsh harvest mouse can live up to 18 months and possibly longer. Females commonly have two litters per year. In the summer, when salinity of water and vegetation increases, the mice have a notable advantage due to their ability to drink and survive purely on salt water. The northern species can survive purely on salt water, but prefers fresh water to salt water (need to add Fisler as source). The southern species can survive on either, and does not display a preference.


The mice depend heavily on vegetation cover, particularly pickleweed and tules (Schoenoplectus spp.). Pickleweed (Salicornia virginica) is their primary and preferred habitat as well their main food source. The salt marsh harvest mouse is not an aggressive species; many mice live in close quarters, withstanding short durations of high population density due to seasonal flooding that restricts individuals to small patches of dry ground. They can also survive tidal or seasonal flooding due to their superior ability to swim, float and climb.


This organism is known to be found in the following specific locales (among others):

  • Sonoma Creek discharge area known as the Napa Sonoma Marsh
  • Suisun Marsh, Solano County
  • Alman Marsh, adjacent to Shollenberger Park, Petaluma
  • Sausalito baylands
  • San Rafael baylands
  • Arrowhead Marsh in Oakland
  • San Francisco Bay sloughs in Alviso
  • Palo Alto baylands
  • Bair Island
  • Point Reyes National Seashore
  • Conservation

    The salt marsh harvest mouse has lost much of its habitat to extensive development of bayside marshland, pollution, boat activity, and commercial salt harvesting. It has been on the endangered lists since the 1970s, and has protected habitat within numerous Bay Area wildlife refuges. Individual political jurisdictions have conducted research and established habitat protection strategies to protect the salt marsh harvest mouse. For example, the city of San Rafael, California has established a shoreline setback standard to prevent any land development within fifty feet of the shoreline; this measure has been applied to several specific land developments along the San Francisco Bay shoreline.


    Salt marsh harvest mouse Wikipedia

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