Trisha Shetty (Editor)


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Salceson Balcerzak i Spka Salceson wieprzowy

Kaszanka, Head cheese, Kabanos, Kishka, Liverwurst

Salceson is a type of head cheese found in Polish cuisine and other Slavic cuisine (Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian). There are several varieties of salceson which depend on the ingredients.


Salceson Salceson woski Zakad Misny LENARCIK

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Salceson Salceson biay Zakad Misny LENARCIK

  • Black 'Salceson' which contains blood
  • White 'Salceson' made with a mixture of seasoned meats, without blood
  • Ozorkowy (Tongue) 'Salceson' where the major meat component is tongue
  • Włoski (Italian) 'Salceson' (brawn, skins, spices - garlic, pepper and caraway)
  • Norweski (Norwegian) 'Salceson' (brawn, skins, broth, salmon, spices)
  • Saksoński (Saxon) 'Salceson' (brawn, skins, broth, blood, offal, garlic, caraway, spices)
  • Veal 'Salceson' (veal brawn and skins, broth, spices)
  • Czosnkowy (Garlic) 'Salceson' (brawn, skins, broth, garlic)
  • Północny (Northern) 'Salceson' (brawn, pork skin, blood, broth, garlic, liver, spices)
  • Podlaski 'Salceson' (pork brawn, broth, chives, caraway, spices)
  • Typical ingredients: Pork or veal tongues (cured), Pork Jowl, Skins, Pork liver.

    Salceson httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

    The most popular type is white salceson which can be bought at most of butchers in Poland and in many grocery shops and supermakets. In Poland salceson is considered to be a sausage.

    Salceson FileSalceson from PoznanJPG Wikimedia Commons


    Salceson Wikipedia

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