Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Sakyong Mipham

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Kagyu and Nyingma

Chogyam Trungpa

Sakyong Mipham

Mipham the Great

Shambhala Buddhist

Chogyam Trungpa

Sakyong Mipham About us Belgique

Khandro Tseyang Ripa Mukpo

Ruling Your World, Turning the Mind Into an Ally, Running with the Mind of M, The Shambhala Principle, Quiet Mind: A Beginner

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Sakyong mipham biography

Sakyong Jamgon Mipham Rinpoche, Jampal Trinley Dradul (born Osel Rangdrol Mukpo on December 11, 1962) is the head of the Shambhala Buddhist lineage and Shambhala International, a worldwide network of urban Buddhist meditation centers, retreat centers, monasteries, a university, and other enterprises, founded by his father, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche is a high lama in the Nyingma lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.


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Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche was born Ösel Rangdröl Mukpo in Bodhgaya, India in December 1962. His father, Chögyam Trungpa, was a Buddhist monk who had left Tibet in 1959 at the head of a large party of refugees. His mother, Könchok Paldrön, was a nun. The two had met during the journey from Tibet to India. Chögyam Trungpa left India in early 1963 to study at Oxford University, and their son spent his early years with his mother in a Tibetan refugee village in northwest India. At the age of seven, he went to live with his father at Samye Ling in Scotland. Chögyam Trungpa moved to the United States in 1970, and Ösel Mukpo joined him there two years later. In 1979, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche performed a ceremony officially investing his son Ösel Rangdröl with the title of Sawang ("earth lord"). This confirmed Ösel as his Shambhala heir and the future Sakyong. After his father's death in 1987, the Sawang moved to Nepal and studied with Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche for three years, while Osel Tendzin, the Vajra Regent, succeeded Trungpa Rinpoche as Buddhist lineage holder and head of the various organizations established by Trungpa, including Vajradhatu, Shambhala Training, and Naropa University. When Tendzin died in 1990, the Sawang was acknowledged as Trungpa's successor in the Kagyu, Nyingma and Shambhala lineages and head of the organizations. In May 1995 the Sawang Ösel Rangdröl Mukpo was formally enthroned as Sakyong at a ceremony performed by Penor Rinpoche. Shortly before the enthronement Penor Rinpoche recognized the Sawang as tulku of Mipham the Great.

Sakyong Mipham HSD1202jpg

Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche is the head of the Shambhala organization, a global network of meditation and retreat centers grounded in the inherent goodness of humanity. The Sakyong (Tibetan: ས་སྐྱོང་Wylie: sa skyong; a compound word consisting of sa, "earth," and skyong, "to protect," that translates as "king," "emperor," or "governor") is a dharma king and lineage holder of the Shambhala lineage, guiding thousands of students around the world in the path of meditation. With a unique blend of Eastern and Western perspectives, he teaches meditation and social transformation while also guiding a number of humanitarian projects. In 2006 the Sakyong initiated the Compassionate Leadership conference and dialogues by presenting the Dalai Lama with the Living Peace Award; awarded to living examples of people who benefit humanity. The Sakyong has written several books, including the national bestseller Turning the Mind into an Ally, award winning Ruling Your World, and Running with the Mind of Meditation. He is also an avid poet, artist, and athlete. The Sakyong’s most recent book, The Shambhala Principle, was released on May 7, 2013.

Dharma activity

Sakyong Mipham leads programs and retreats at Shambhala Centers throughout North America and Europe. He oversees the development of the Shambhala community and works closely with its senior teachers and leaders. In 2001 Sakyong Mipham visited Tibet for the first time. Here he was greeted by thousands of people as the Sakyong and the rebirth of Mipham, returning to the place that his father had left in 1959. Choseng Trungpa, the Twelfth Trungpa Tulku, along with the other tulkus and leaders of Surmang, asked him to assume stewardship of the Surmang monasteries and their people. While in Tibet he was also asked to assume responsibility for Weyen monastery, the Gesar orphanage, and the Mipham Institute in Golok, and Khamput Monastery in Kham. His support for all of these is now directed through the Konchok Foundation.

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In 2004 he returned to India to meet for the first time with Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje, and also journeyed back to Tibet to visit the monasteries under his care.

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The Sakyong travels extensively, teaching throughout the world.

Lineage of Sakyongs

The Sakyong holds and propagates the teachings of Shambhala, an enlightened society. This tradition emphasizes confidence in the basic goodness of all beings and teaches courageous rulership based on wisdom and compassion. The term "Sakyong" literally means "earth-protector" in Tibetan, although it is colloquially understood to mean "king". Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche is regarded as a chögyal (Sanskrit dharmaraja) – "king of truth" – who combines the spiritual and worldly paths. The first Dharmaraja of Shambhala, Dawa Sangpo, was said to have been empowered directly by the Buddha. The Sakyong is the earthly embodiment or emanation of the Rigden — enlightened awareness — and in this sense he is a tulku (Tibetan), or nirmanakaya (Sanskrit) of the Rigden.

Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche is regarded as the first in this lineage of Sakyongs, and as such he is referred to as the "Druk Sakyong", or "Dragon Earth-Protector".

Sakyong Wangmo and family

The consort of the Sakyong is referred to as the Sakyong Wangmo. The first Sakyong Wangmo was Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche's wife, Lady Diana Mukpo. The current Sakyong Wangmo is Sakyong Mipham's wife Khandro Tseyang Ripa Mukpo, the daughter of Terton Namkha Drimed Rabjam Rinpoche. The Sakyong and Sakyong Wangmo were married on 10 June 2006 in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Khandro Tseyang was officially empowered as Sakyong Wangmo by Penor Rinpoche at a ceremony in Halifax in August 2008. The Sakyong and Sakyong Wangmo have three daughters. The first, Drukmo Yeshe Sarasvati Ziji Mukpo (Lady Dragon Wisdom), was born on 11 August 2010. The second, Jetsun Yudra Lhamo Yangchen Ziji Mukpo, was born in March 2013. The third, Dzedrön Ökar Yangchen Ziji Mukpo, was born on 10 April 2015.


Sakyong Mipham Wikipedia

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