Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Rubem Fonseca

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Rubem Fonseca


Thea Maud (m. ?–1996)

Rubem Fonseca A grande arte de Rubem Fonseca literaturapolicialcom

cobrador, Vastas emoções e pensamentos imperfeitos

Jose Henrique Fonseca, Jose Alberto Fonseca, Maria Beatriz Fonseca

Maria Maud Fonseca, Felipa Fonseca, Jose Joaquim Fonseca, Pedro Henrique Fonseca

Movies and TV shows
Exposure, Mandrake, The Man of the Year, El cobrador: In God W

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Rubem Fonseca (born May 11, 1925) is a Brazilian writer.


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He was born in Juiz de Fora, in the state of Minas Gerais, but he has lived most of his life in Rio de Janeiro. In 1952, he started his career as a low-level cop and, later became a police commissioner, one of the highest ranks in the civil police of Brazil. Following the steps of American novelist Thomas Pynchon, a close friend of Fonseca, he refuses to give interviews and feels strongly about maintaining his privacy.

Rubem Fonseca Revista Cult Um chope com Rubem Fonseca Revista Cult

His stories are dark and gritty, filled with violence and sexual content, and usually set in an urban environment. He claims a writer should have the courage to show what most people are afraid to say. His work is considered groundbreaking in Brazilian literature, up until then mostly focused on rural settings and usually treating cities with less interest. Almost all Brazilian contemporary writers acknowledge Fonseca's importance. Authors from the rising generation of Brazilian writers, such as Patrícia Melo or Luis Ruffato, have stated that Fonseca's writing has influenced their work.

Rubem Fonseca httpssebiografiacomassetsimgauthorsrube

He started his career by writing short stories, considered by some critics as his strongest literary creations. His first popular novel was A Grande Arte (High Art), but "Agosto" is usually considered his best work.

In 2003, he won the Camões Prize, considered to be the most important award in the Portuguese language.

Rubem Fonseca Rio de Janeiro Crimes of August Agosto by Rubem Fonseca Travel

Rubem fonseca ainda esta no auge aos noventa anos


Rubem Fonseca Wikipedia

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