Sneha Girap (Editor)

Romero Rodrigues

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Romero Rodrigues

Organizations founded


University of Sao Paulo

Romero Rodrigues Redpoint Joint Venture in Brazil Adds Romero Rodrigues a
October 1, 1977 (age 46) (
Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo

Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil

People also search for
Rodrigo Borges, Ronaldo Morita, Mario Letelier

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Romero Rodrigues Filho (Sao Paulo, October 1, 1977) is a Brazilian businessman who studied Electric Engineering at the Escola Politecnica da Universidade de Sao Paulo. He was a founder and president of BuscaPe (, a Group that also includes the companies Bondfaro, Confiometro, CortaContas, e-Behavior, e-bit, Lomadee, Pagamento Digital, FControl, Pista Certa, QueBarato! and SaveMe. At the age of 21, Romero created BuscaPe with three partners also from the University: Ronaldo Takahashi, Rodrigo Borges and Mario Letelier.


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In 2009, BuscaPe was sold to the South African company Naspers for US$ 342 million.

Romero rodrigues


Romero Rodrigues Romero Rodrigues o novo scio da Redpoint eventures

Rodrigues entered the Escola Politecnica of the Universidade de Sao Paulo in 1995, when he was 18 years old. After his primary and secondary studies at the Colegio Visconde de Porto Seguro, in Morumbi, Sao Paulo, he entered the Electric Engineering course. Between 1996 and 2000, Romero worked as a researcher, as part of professional practice at the “Laboratorio de Arquitetura e Redes de Computadores” (LARC) of the Poli USP, taking part in projects such as the development of Internet 2 in Brazil (RMAV), Data Base, Security and Monitoring of links. In 1998, Romero and three friends from the University, Ronaldo Takahashi, Rodrigo Borges and Mario Letelier, founded BuscaPe.

Leadership of BuscaPe

The first idea of what became BuscaPe surged when Rodrigo Borges was looking for a print model on the Internet. He could not find information on the price or technical specifications of the product online. Therefore, the four friends concluded that it was an opportunity to be explored and decided to create a business that could provide a solution for that need. With investments of R$ 100 from each monthly to pay for hosting, system development and layout, the four founded BuscaPe in the “garage company” style in 1998. Romero assumed leadership of the project from the beginning, acting as president of BuscaPe. The businessman also led the process of internationalization and expansion of BuscaPe, and its sale of the company to Naspers in 2009.

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