Harman Patil (Editor)

Romanian Raven Shepherd Dog

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Other names
Corb Shepherd

Scientific name
Canis lupus familiaris

Higher classification



A black Romanian Raven Shepherd Dog standing while looking afar with a white chest and feet, behind him is a man wearing a black beanie and a white and brown jacket under a camouflage vest

Breed status
Not recognized as a standardized breed by any major kennel club.

In proportion to height

70–80 centimetres (28–31 in)

65–75 centimetres (26–30 in)

Romanian Mioritic Shepherd, Carpathian Shepherd Dog, Bucovina Shepherd Dog, Molossus of Epirus, Armenian Gampr dog

Romanian raven shepherd dog 7 5 months ciobanesc corb

The Romanian Raven Shepherd Dog is a Romanian livestock guardian breed of dog, recognized by Asociaţia Chinologică Română (Romanian Kennel Club) on 14 Nov. 2008.


A black Romanian Raven Shepherd puppy sitting on the floor in front of a brown door and looking happy while his tongue is out, with white fur on his chest and feet

Romanian Raven Shepherd Dog is a natural breed originating in the Meridional Carpathian and Subcarpathian areal (Dambovita, Arges, Prahova, Brasov). In these places, these mountain dogs are highly appreciated and used as watchdogs for properties and cattle herds. The name "corb" means "raven" and comes from its fur, which is clear black.

Romanian Raven Shepherd Dog standing on the grass with a black fur,  his tongue is out, and trees behind him

It was framed in the second group from dog breeds - Pinscher and Schanuzer - Molossoid Breeds - Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs, section 2.2 Molossoid Breeds - Mountain type.

A black Romanian Raven Shepherd Dog tilting his head with a curious face while his mouth is open with white fur on his chest

Romanian raven shepherd dog haiduc ciobanesc corb


A black Romanian Raven Shepherd standing on a tree stump while his tongue is out and the man behind him is wearing a white and black long sleeve shirt and denim pants

The Romanian Raven Corb shepherd is a large-sized, strong, robust, and imposing breed of dog. The body is massive and sturdy, rectangular, rather long, a bit tall, and has a strong skeleton with a wide-tall chest. The head is strong and solid, with a conical-well developed snout which is shorter than the cambered skull. It has a moderate stop. The eyes are small comparing with head, almond-shaped and oblique, amber colour, with strong pigment on eyelids. The ears are V-shaped, caught higher than the head's level, round-tipped and floppy. The neck is thick and strong. The nails are black or greyish. The tail is bushy, covered with long and thick hair. It is caught up, when is in rest, this is floppy with the tip a bit bent and arrives until the hock's level; in alert is upped and could surpass the back level. The fur is double, with an underneath coating, short and bushy, and an external one, flat, harsher and bushy. On the head and the front side of the legs is short and on the body is abundant. At the neck, the hair is bushier and is making a mane. The colour is black on at least 80% from the body with possible patches by a clean white on the chest and legs. If it much time exposed to the sun during the summer, the fur gets some reddish shades.

Its bark is both powerful and loud, capable of being heard over great distances.

A black Romanian Raven Shepherd Dog looking afar and standing on the grass while his tongue is out and there are trees behind him

A black Romanian Raven Shepherd Dog with a mouth open and white fur on his chest is wearing a medal and the human behind him is holding his leash while wearing denim pants


Romanian Raven Shepherd Dog Wikipedia

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