Trisha Shetty (Editor)

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toledo

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Ecclesiastical province
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toledo

19,333 km (7,465 sq mi)

Population- Total- Catholics
(as of 2010)719,482636,477 (88.5%)

This is a list of Bishops and Archbishops of Toledo (Latin: Archidioecesis Toletana). They are also the Primates of Spain. It was, according to tradition established in the 1st century by St. James the Great and was elevated to an archdiocese in 313 after the Edict of Milan. The incumbent Archbishop also bears the title Primate of Spain and since 1937 the title General Vicar of the Armies.



  • 1 St. Eugenius (1st century?)
  • Unknown
  • 2 Melantius (286?–306?)
  • Unknown
  • Archbishops

  • 3 Patruinus (325–335)
  • 4 Toribius (335–345)
  • 5 Quintus (345–355)
  • 6 Vincent (355–365)
  • 7 Paulatus (365–375)
  • 8 Natallus (375–385)
  • 9 Audentius (385–395)
  • 10 Asturius (395–412)
  • 11 Isicius (412–427)
  • 12 Martin I (427–440)
  • 13 Castinus (440–454)
  • 14 Campeius (454–467)
  • 15 Sinticius (467–482)
  • 16 Praumatus (482–494)
  • 17 Petrus I (494–508)
  • 18 Celsus (?–520)
  • 19 Montanus (520–521)
  • 20 Julian I
  • 21 Bacauda
  • 22 Petrus II
  • 23 Euphemius
  • 24 Exuperius
  • 25 Adelphus
  • 26 Conancius
  • 27 Aurasius (603–615)
  • 28 St Eladius (615–633)
  • 29 Justus (633–636)
  • 30 Eugenius I (636–646)
  • 31 Eugenius II (646–657)
  • 32 St Ildefonso (657–667)
  • 33 Quiricus (667–680)
  • 34 St. Julian II (680–690)
  • 35 Sisbert (690–693)
  • 36 Felix (694–700)
  • 37 Gunderic (700–710)
  • 38 Sindered (711–?)
  • 39 Sunirend
  • 40 Concordius
  • 41 Cixila (745/774–754/783)
  • 42 Elipandus (754/783–808?)
  • 43 Gumesind (?–828)
  • 44 Wistremir (?–858)
  • (St Eulogius 859; elected but did not take office)
  • 45 Bonitus (859–892)
  • 46 Juan I (892–926)
  • 47 Ubayd Allah ben Qasim
  • See vacant due to Muslim rule (Ummayad Caliphate of Cordoba)

  • 48 Pascual I (1058–1080)
  • Vacant
  • 49 Bernard de Sedirac (1086–1124)
  • 50 Raymond de Sauvetât (1124–1152)
  • 51 Juan II (1152–1166)
  • 52 Cerebruno (1167–1180)
  • 53 Pedro III de Cardona (1181–1182)
  • 54 Gonzalo I Petrez (1182–1191)
  • 55 Martín II López de Pisuerga (1192–1208)
  • 56 Rodrigo Jimenez de Rada (1209–1247)
  • 57 Juan III Medina de Pomar (1248–1248)
  • 58 Gutierre I Ruiz Dolea (1249–1250)
  • 59 Infante Sancho of Castile (1251–1261)
  • 60 Domingo Pascual (1262–1265)
  • 61 Infante Sancho of Aragon (1266–1275)
  • 62 Fernando I Rodriguez de Covarubias (1276–1280)
  • 63 Gonzalo II Garcia Gudiel (1280–1299)
  • 64 Gonzalo III Diaz Palomeque (1299–1310)
  • 65 Gutierre II Gomez de Toledo (1310–1319)
  • 66 Juan III, Infante of Aragon (1319–1328); also Latin Patriarch of Alexandria
  • 67 Jimeno de Luna (1328–1338)
  • 68 Gil Alvarez de Albornoz (1338–1350)
  • 69 Gonzalo IV de Aguilar (1351–1353)
  • 70 Blas Fernandez de Toledo (1353–1362)
  • 71 Gómez Manrique (bishop) (1362–1375)
  • 72 Pedro IV Tenorio (1375–1399)
  • Vacant
  • 73 Pedro V de Luna (1403–1414)
  • 74 Sancho III de Rojas (1415–1422)
  • 75 Juan IV Martinez de Contreras (1423–1434)
  • 76 Juan V de Cerezuela (1434–1442)
  • 77 Gutierre III Alvarez de Toledo (1442–1445)
  • 78 Alfonso Carillo de Acuna (1446–1482)
  • 79 Pedro VI Gonzalez de Mendoza (1482–1495)
  • 80 Francisco I Ximénez de Cisneros (1495–1517)
  • 81 Guillermo de Croy (1517–1521)
  • Vacant
  • 82 Alonso III Fonseca (1523–1534)
  • 83 Juan VI Pardo Tavera (1534–1545)
  • 84 Juan VII Martinez Silecio (1545–1557)
  • 85 Bartolomé Carranza (1558–1576)
  • 86 Gaspar I de Quiroga y Vela (1577–1594)
  • 87 Archduke Albert of Austria (1595–1598)
  • 88 Garcia Loayasa y Giron (1598–1599)
  • 89 Bernardo II de Sandoval y Rojas (1599–1618)
  • Vacant
  • 90 Ferdinand of Austria (Apostolic Administrator, 1620–1641)
  • Vacant
  • 91 Gaspar II de Borja y Velasco (1645)
  • 92 Baltasar Moscoso y Sandoval (1646–1665)
  • 93 Pascual II de Aragon (1666–1677)
  • 94 Luis Manuel Fernandez Portocarrero (1677–1709)
  • Vacant
  • 95 Francisco Valero y Losa (1715–1720)
  • 96 Diego de Astorga y Céspedes (1720–1724)
  • Vacant
  • 97 Luis I de Borbon y Farnesio (1735–1754)
  • 98 Luis II Fernandez de Cordoba (1755–1771)
  • 99 Francisco Antonio de Lorenzana (1772–1800)
  • 100 Luis María de Borbón y Vallabriga, 14th Count of Chinchón (1800–1823)
  • 101 Pedro Inguanzo y Rivero (1824–1836)
  • Vacant
  • 102 Juan José Bonel y Orbe (1849–1857)
  • 103 Cirilo Alameda y Brea (1857–1872)
  • Vacant
  • 104 Juan Ignacio Moreno y Maisanove (1875–1884)
  • 105 Zeferino Gonzalez y Diaz–Tunon (1885–1886)
  • 106 Miguel Paya y Rico (1886–1891)
  • 107 Antolín Monescillo y Viso (1892–1898)
  • 108 Bl. Ciriaco María Sancha y Hervás (1898–1909)
  • 109 Gregorio Maria Aguirre y Garcia (1909–1913)
  • 110 Victoriano Guisasola y Menendez (1913–1920)
  • 111 Enrique Almaraz y Santos (1920–1921)
  • 112 Enrique Reig y Casanova (1922–1927)
  • 113 Pedro Segura y Sáenz (1927–1931)
  • Vacant
  • 114 Isidro Goma y Tomas (1933–1940)
  • 115 Enrique Pla y Deniel (1941–1968)
  • 116 Vicente Enrique y Tarancón (1969–1972)
  • 117 Marcelo Gonzalez Martin (1972–1995)
  • 118 Francisco Alvarez Martínez (1995–2002)
  • 119 Antonio Cañizares Llovera (2002–2008)
  • 120 Braulio Rodríguez Plaza (2009–)
  • Auxiliary bishops in the archdiocese

  • Pedro del Campo (1516–1551)
  • Pedro Ruiz de la Camera, O.P. (1524)
  • Guillermo, O.P. (1539)
  • Pedro Oriona, O. de M. (1549–1560)
  • Diego de la Calzada (1578)
  • Melchor Soria Vera (1602–1643)
  • Juan Avellaneda Manrique (1611)
  • Diego Pereda, O.S. (1621–1634)
  • Alfonso de Requeséns Fenollet, O.F.M. (1621–1625) Appointed, Bishop of Barbastro
  • Francisco Olivares Maldonado, O.S.A. (1626–1632)
  • Julián Alvear (Alvera) (1631)
  • Juan Boldames Ibáñez, O.C.D. (1632–1633)
  • Miguel Avellán, O.F.M. (1633–1650)
  • Pedro Orozco, O.F.M. (1643)
  • Francisco Villagutiérrez Chumacero, O.S.A. (1646–1652)
  • Rodrigo de Mandia y Parga, (1652–1663), Appointed Bishop of Almería
  • Miguel Pérez Cevallos (1660–1681)
  • Antonio del Buffalo, O.F.M. (1661–1666)
  • Luis de Morales (bishop), O.S.A. (1661–1679)
  • Francisco Zapata Vera y Morales (1680–1703)
  • Alfonso de Santa Cruz (1683–1698)
  • Benito Madueño y Ramos (1698–1739)
  • Atanasio Esterriga Trajanáuregui (1703–1712)
  • Dionisio Francisco Mellado Eguíluz (1716)
  • Andrés Núñez Monteagudo (1739–1761)
  • Juan Antonio Pérez Arellano (1739–1756)
  • Juan Francisco Manrique Lara (1749–1754)
  • Augstín González Pisador (1754–1760)
  • Juan Manuel Argüelles (1761–1770)
  • Felipe Pérez Santa María (1761–1795)
  • Miguel González Bobela (1771–1775)
  • Francisco Mateo Aguiriano Gómez (1776–1790)
  • Atanasio Puyal y Poveda (1790–1814)
  • Francisco Javier de Lizana y Beaumont (1795–1800)
  • Buenaventura Moyano Rodríguez (1800–1801)
  • Alfonso Aguado y Jaraba (1802–1815)
  • Luis Gregorio López Castillo (1815–1825)
  • Juan Arciniega (1816–1835)
  • Pablo García Abella, C.O. (1827–1833)
  • Francisco de Sales Crespo y Bautista (1861–1875)
  • Juan Francisco Bux y Loras (1882–1883)
  • Tomás Jenaro de Cámara y Castro, O.S.A. (1883–1885)
  • Valeriano Menéndez y Conde (1887–1894)
  • José Ramón Quesada y Gascón (1894–1898)
  • Juan José Laguarda y Fenollera (1899–un 1902)
  • Isidoro Badía y Sarradell (1903–1907)
  • Prudencio Melo y Alcalde (1907–1913)
  • Antonio Álvaro y Ballano (1913–1914)
  • Juan Bautista Luis y Pérez (1915–1921)
  • Mateo Colom y Canals, O.S.A. (1921–1922)
  • Rafael Balanzá y Navarro (1923–1928)
  • Feliciano Rocha Pizarro (1928–1935)
  • Gregorio Modrego y Casaus (1936–1942)
  • Eduardo Martinez González (1942–1950)
  • Francisco Miranda Vicente (1951–1960)
  • Anastasio Granados García (1960–1970)
  • Rafael Palmero Ramos (1987–1996)
  • Juan José Asenjo Pelegrina (1997–2003)
  • Joaquín Carmelo Borobia Isasa (2004–2010)
  • Ángel Rubio Castro (2004–2007)
  • Ángel Fernández Collado (2013-)
  • Suffragan dioceses

  • Diocese of Albacete.
  • Diocese of Ciudad Real.
  • Diocese of Cuenca.
  • Diocese of Sigüenza-Guadalajara.
  • References

    Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toledo Wikipedia

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