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Rajinder Singh (Sant Mat)

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Darshan Singh

Rajinder Singh

Darshan Singh

Sant Mat

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Rajinder Singh (Sant Mat) April 2011 CHICAGO MEDITATION Classes and Support

Spark of the Divine, Meditation as Medicatio, Spiritual Pearls for Enlighten, Jyoti Meditation for Childr, Journey of the Phoenix

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj (20 September 1946 in Delhi, India) is the head of the international non-profit organisation Science of Spirituality (SOS), known in India as the Sawan Kirpal Ruhani Mission. To his disciples he is known as Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj. SOS has hundreds of thousands of followers worldwide and is an interfaith spiritual path based on Sant Mat. Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj is internationally recognized for his work toward promoting inner and outer peace through spirituality and teaching meditation on the inner Light and Sound.


Rajinder Singh (Sant Mat) News and Events Archive

Life and career

Rajinder Singh (Sant Mat) wwwsosorgcontentuploadsimagesf29f69fa551279d

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj earned his Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) Madras, India and his Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from IIT (Illinois Institute of Technology) in Chicago, Illinois. He received his spiritual education from two of India’s leading spiritual Masters: Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj (1894–1974) and Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj (1921–1989). His training in both disciplines has helped him express age-old mystical teachings in clear, logical language. Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj had a distinguished twenty-year career in science, computers, and communications.

Rajinder Singh (Sant Mat) Shabd Meditation CHICAGO MEDITATION Classes and

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj is the son of Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj (1921–1989) and grandson of Kirpal Singh (1894–1974).

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediaen99cSan

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj has said, "One of the greatest benefits of meditation is that we will not only have peace in our own homes, but will contribute to the peace of the world. Throughout the world, people are praying for peace. But, as the expression goes, charity begins at home. World peace can only become a reality when each of us individually has peace in our own circles. If we bring peace into our individual spheres, the effect will be cumulative, and it will contribute to world peace.”

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj Tough talk about Rajinder Singh from a disillusioned exdisciple

In 2000, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj was part of a delegation of hundreds of world religious leaders who traveled to New York for the Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders, "an event unusual for its religious diversity and for its having convened at the United Nations," according to the New York Times. Singh told the Times, "When we sit and talk with them [leaders of other religions], we realize they are not much different".

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj Kids Website For Parents

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj has written a number of books including Inner and Outer Peace Through Meditation which was #1 Barnes and Noble best-selling meditation book.

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj sant rajinder singh ji maharaj raj ki bate2 YouTube

As founder of Darshan Education Foundation, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj has established Darshan Academy throughout India (schools that teach students from Pre-K—12). Integrating both meditation and a spiritual curriculum into a traditional academic environment, the foundation's goal is two-fold: first, to produce students whose spiritual potential is developed along with their intellect and physical well-being; and second, to inspire in each student a global view of the world, unobstructed by distinctions of race, nationality, religion, or economic status.

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj Chennai36

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj was President of the 16th International World Human Unity Conference in 1998.


Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj emphasizes the fundamental unity and harmony of all religions. He says his aim is to "take the mystery out of mysticism, to help people put mysticism into action in their own lives. By doing so, they will help themselves as well as those around them attain bliss and universal love." He emphasizes meditation as the basis for peace. As Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj has said, "Within us is a divine spirit from which our intelligence and wisdom is derived. The process of accessing that inner divine spirit, intelligence, and wisdom is called meditation; if we transform knowledge to wisdom by meditating and experiencing the driving force behind all existence, then we have the key to human unity. This experience will transform our individual life and the lives of those around us. These individual transformations will ultimately bring unity and peace at the community, national, and global levels." (From a speech, "Moral Dimensions of Leadership" given to the United States Coast Guard Academy)


Meditation is a process by which a practitioner comes in contact with the Light and Sound of God already within themselves. The spiritual Masters of Science of Spirituality teach that (1) the divine current of Light and Sound reverberates in all creation; (2) by meditating on this current one can transcend physical body-consciousness and begin a journey into the inner spiritual regions; and (3) with the help and guidance of a spiritual Master, this journey ultimately culminates in God-realization and the merger of the soul with the Over-soul or God. In the Times of India, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj states, “Human beings are blessed with a special faculty to gain spiritual knowledge. That opportunity is offered to every human being but few make use of it. One needs to meditate to make full use of the gift.”

Science and spirituality

The method of meditation taught by Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj is called a science because it can be practiced by people of all cultures. In this method, aspirants perform the experiment of meditation within their own selves. By doing so, the practitioner can have a firsthand inner experience of spiritual Light and Sound, affirming that there is something that lies beyond this physical world.

In his address given to students and faculty at IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) Mumbai, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj states: “Science and spirituality make a great partnership. If those engaged in science spend time in the silence of their selves, inspiration will come and lead them to the answers they seek. If those interested in spirituality apply the scientific law of testing a hypothesis in the laboratories of their own bodies, they will find results. Each person is capable of success in proving spiritual truths. Such pursuits can make the world a better place as well as uncover the purpose of our lives.”


Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj has received a number of awards and honors.

  • "Peace Award" by the Temple of Understanding and the Interfaith Center of New York, June 1997.
  • Award by the City Council of San Ramon, California, 2010."
  • "The Medal of Cultural Merit" from the National Minister of Education, Bogotá, Colombia.
  • Exemplary Service to Humanity Award from the State of New York, September 2012
  • Illinois Institute of Technology Distinguished Leadership Award, Chicago, Illinois
  • Award from the President of the State of Mexico, November 2008
  • Simón Bolívar Award (Condecoracion Oficial Simon Bolivar) presented by the Minister of Education of Colombia at the Ministry of Education, in Bogotá
  • Honorary doctorates

    Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj has received five honorary doctorates from various universities around the world in recognition of his work to introduce spirituality into science and education, and for his work toward human integration.

    Keynote addresses

    Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj has been invited to deliver keynotes and talks at various conferences through the years.

    At the United Nations Headquarters, New York (May 2016), in his keynote address, he explained how meditation on the inner Light and Sound can lead to inner peace, which paves the way to building bridges of unity, love, and outer peace in the world. At the Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders, United Nations, New York City, New York (August 2000), in his address entitled “Nature of Forgiveness and Compassion” Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj stated: “Spirituality is the recognition that behind our outer names and labels, we are souls, a part of one Creator. . . . When we develop this vision we no longer see through the eyes of prejudice and discrimination.”. He also shared a speech at the UN celebration for Secretary General Kofi Annan.

    At the United States Coast Guard Academy (USCGA), New London, Connecticut (November 1999), addressing the members of the academy in his talk “Moral Leadership for the 21st Century,” Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj provided a blueprint for successful leadership.

    At the Sixth Assembly of the World Conference on Religion and Peace, in Riva del Garde, Italy (November 1994), in this talk “Curing the World’s Pain,” Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj stated: “To heal the world, we must heal ourselves. To bring peace to the world, we must have peace ourselves. We can attain this through meditation.”

    Addresses to academic and medical institutions

  • He lectured at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts on Inner and Outer Communication (November 1996)."
  • All India Institute of Medical Sciences (February 2002)
  • University of California, Berkeley (September 1999)
  • National Institute of Health (NIH), Washington, D.C (July 1993)
  • Veggie Fest

    Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj is the inspiration behind Veggie Fest, the largest vegetarian food and lifestyle festival in North America. Co-sponsored by the Science of Spirituality and over 30 vendors, the festival celebrates the many benefits and joys of a vegetarian lifestyle. It is held in Lisle/Naperville, Illinois.In 2016, Veggie Fest celebrated its 11th year, launching its largest festival to date: Over 800 volunteers from around the world welcomed tens of thousands of visitors during its two-day program.Each year, participants attend a multi-faceted which includes: an international food court; vendor tents and food demos from noted area chefs; live music, a blood donation drive; a “Take the Vegetarian Challenge” tent, and a “Take the Meditation Challenge” tent.

    Visitors can also attend the “Spirituality & Health Symposium” where doctors and health practitioners speak throughout the day on different aspects of the vegetarian diet and its impact on one’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well being. Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj delivers the Keynote on both days.


    Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj’s books and articles are available in over fifty languages. Some of his major publications include:

  • 2016 Building Bridges through Meditation
  • 2012 Meditation as Medication for the Soul ISBN 0918224721
  • 1999 Empowering Your Soul Through Meditation ISBN 0-00-716149-2
  • 1996 Inner and Outer Peace Through Meditation ISBN 1-85230-949-0
  • References

    Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj Wikipedia

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