Puneet Varma (Editor)


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Psilalonia (Greek: Ψηλαλώνια) is a neighbourhood in the central part of the city of Patras, 1 km direct and 1.5 km south via road from the downtown core. Psilalonia is linked 100 m from Gounaris Street (GR-3 - Patras - Tripoli southbound). Psilalonia is famous for one of the city's most visited square that is of the same name. It features palm trees, playground, a fountain, a monument and restaurants. Other shops are by Gounaris Street.


R1 epeisodia psilalonia


  • Gounaris Street (GR-33 (Patras - Tripoli)
  • Geography

    The area are entirely of residential which has four to five storey houses in the southern part and eight storeys in the north and east. A nearby hill is to the north. Its nearest supermarket is by Korai Street. Its total area is approximately 5 to 6 km² and 3 km in length from west to east and 2 km in width from north to south. Its total street length is approximately 30 to 40 km of which 6 to 8 km are main streets, the rest are residential.


    Psilalonia Wikipedia

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