Puneet Varma (Editor)

Poultry farming In Nepal

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Poultry farming In Nepal

Poultry farming is the process of keeping different types of birds for food or sale. It is regarded as one of the important occupations in Nepal.


History and beliefs

Poultry farming was started in Nepal centuries before but the development of poultry farming was not satisfactory. It is said that chicken was provided to army and battalions. Generally Brahmin people of Nepal did not use to take chicken along with pork. It was regarded as taboo in Brahmin community. So poultry was only limited to Limbus and Rais people in the past.

Present condition

As Nepal is an agricultural country poultry farming is one of the important occupation of the peoples. Mainly locals breeds are reared in Nepal but improved breeds like broiler and layers are also occupying a large area these days. Easy for rearing,less manpower, less investment etc. are some possible causes of high development of poultry farming. Demand for the chicken is increasing because of its low price and health importances. So people have started poultry farming instead of other animals rearing. Latest survey in Nepal shows that chicken is eaten most by the people of Nepal. So there is high possibility of poultry development in Nepal. Mostly fowls are reared beside turkeys and ducks are also reared. Still chicken is not consumed by some Brahmin people in Nepal but it is getting forward as one of the important branch of agriculture.


Poultry farming In Nepal Wikipedia