Supriya Ghosh (Editor)


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Higher classification
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Lower classifications

Potamogetonaceae how to pronounce it

The Potamogetonaceae, commonly referred to as the pondweed family, are an aquatic family of monocotyledonous flowering plants. The roughly 110 known species are divided over six genera (Christenhusz & Byng 2016 ). The largest genus in the family by far is Potamogeton, which contains about 100 species.


Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton compressus Potamogetonaceae image 27555 at Gymnospermsorg

The family has a subcosmopolitan distribution, and is considered to be one of the most important angiosperm groups in the aquatic environment because of its use as food and habitat for aquatic animals.


The Potamogetonaceae are currently placed in the early diverging monocot order Alismatales by the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group. Their concept of the family includes the plants sometimes treated in the separate family Zannichelliaceae, but excludes the genus Ruppia. So circumscribed, the family currently consists of six genera: Althenia, Groenlandia, Lepilaena, Potamogeton, Stuckenia, and Zannichellia, totalling about 120 species of perennial aquatic plants.

Marine grasses families: Zosteraceae, Cymodoceaceae, Ruppiaceae and Posidoniaceae. Related families: Potamogetonaceae and (and sometimes including) Zannichelliaceae.


Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton nodosus Potamogetonaceae image 1684 at PhytoImagessiuedu

The plants are all aquatic perennial herbs, often with creeping rhizomes and leafy branches. Their leaf blades can be either floating or submerged, and their stems are often joined. No stomata are present on the leaves. The flowers are tetramerous: the floral formula (sepals; petals; stamens; carpels) is [4;0;4;4]. The flowers have no petals. The fruit consists of one to four drupelets or achenes.


  • Althenia
  • Groenlandia
  • Lepilaena
  • Potamogeton
  • Pseudalthenia
  • Stuckenia
  • Zannichellia

  • Potamogetonaceae Laboratorio de Sistemtica de Plantas Vasculares Curso SPV

    Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton polygonifolius Potamogetonaceae image 15453 at

    Potamogetonaceae Potamogetonaceae Bionet kola

    Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton compressus Potamogetonaceae image 27554 at


    Potamogetonaceae Wikipedia

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