Girish Mahajan (Editor)

Pico Humboldt

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4,940 m

Mountain range
Easiest route
Laguna del Suero

First ascent

Pico Humboldt httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Parent ranges
Sierra Nevada de Mérida, Andes

Pico Bolívar, Pico Bonpland, Pico Espejo, Pico El Toro, Pico La Concha

Video 360 en glaciar del pico humboldt venezuela

Pico Humboldt is Venezuela's second highest peak, at 4,940 metres above sea level. It is located in the Sierra Nevada de Merida, in the Venezuelan Andes of (Mérida State). The peak with its sister peak Pico Bonpland, and the surrounding páramos are protected by the Sierra Nevada National Park.


Map of Pico Humboldt, M%C3%A9rida, Venezuela

It is named after the famous German explorer and naturalist Alexander von Humboldt.

Mountain view pico bolivar pico humboldt


The summit is surrounded by the Eastern Coromoto glacier and the Sievers glacier, the two largest out of the four glaciers remaining in the country (the other two smaller glaciers are on Pico Bolívar). The glaciers on Humboldt Peak (as most tropical glaciers) have been receding fast since the 1970s and they are forecast to melt completely in a couple of decades.


Pico Humboldt Wikipedia

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