Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Peter Shiao

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Peter Shiao

Film producer


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Peter Shiao (Chinese: 萧培寰; pinyin: Xiāo Péiyuán; born 1967) is a media entrepreneur and film producer. He is currently the founder and CEO of Orb Media Group, a company with offices in Los Angeles and Beijing, focused on producing, financing and marketing films and online games with transformational themes that unite the international and Chinese markets. Since 2010, Peter has chaired the annual US-China Film Summit.


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Prior to Orb, Peter founded Ironpond, a US and China based producer and financier affiliated with the China Film Group, co-founded Ionic Studios, and co-founded Celestial Pictures from which he produced “Restless”, the first ever Hollywood-Chinese film co-production.

Before his career in media, Peter served as principal policy consultant in the California Legislature on the Entertainment Industry, Select Committee on the Pacific Rim and the Special Task Force.

He was appointed as Chairman of entertainment and media of Asia Society Southern California in 2010.


Peter Shiao Wikipedia

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