Sneha Girap (Editor)

Peter Moskos

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Years of service

Peter Moskos

Harvard University

Peter Moskos harpersorgwpcontentuploadsmoskospeterzorao

Sworn in as an officer – 1999

Cop in the Hood, In Defense of Flogging

Glenn loury peter moskos the glenn show

Peter Moskos is a former Baltimore Police Department officer who is now an assistant professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice and the CUNY Graduate Center in the Department of Sociology. The son of military and Greek American sociologist Charles Moskos, he specializes in policing, crime, and punishment. Moskos was listed by The Atlantic as one of their "Brave Thinkers of 2011" for his book In Defense of Flogging. In Defense of Flogging proposes giving individuals convicted of a crime a choice between incarceration and corporal punishment.


Peter Moskos httpsimagescspanorgFilesdd620150426092805

Cop in the hood an examination of peter mosko s book

Cop in the Hood

Peter Moskos Professor Peter Moskos Discusses Policing Issues PostFerguson

Moskos wrote the award-winning 2008 book Cop in the Hood, describing his doctoral experiences of participant observation as a police officer in Baltimore's Eastern District from 1999 to 2001. Moskos, a Harvard graduate student raised in a white middle-class liberal household describes his first-hand experiences with poverty and violent crime in the Baltimore Police Department's Eastern District which encompassed a predominantly African American ghetto of East Baltimore.

Peter Moskos Professor Peter Moskos Discusses Policing Issues PostFerguson

In the book, Moskos argues in favor of reforming the criminal justice system and the legalization of drugs. After calling for drug legalization in a Washington Post op-ed, Moskos was attacked by President Obama's Drug Czar, Gil Kerlikowske, and the President of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, Russell B. Laine.

Corporal punishment

Peter Moskos QA Peter Moskos 94 on the Cop Conundrum Princeton Alumni Weekly

Moskos second book advocated judicial corporal punishment as a voluntary alternative to incarceration and was reviewed in The Economist and other publications.

Peter Moskos Bad Hombre Moskos PeterMoskos Twitter

Peter Moskos Festival of Dangerous Ideas 2013 Peter Moskos In Defence of


Peter Moskos Wikipedia

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