Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Pedro Brieger

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Pedro Brieger


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Pedro Rubén Brieger (born 5 November 1955, Buenos Aires, Argentina) is an Argentine journalist and sociologist who holds the Chair of Sociology in Middle East in the University of Buenos Aires. He worked in different newspapers like Clarín, El Cronista, La Nación, Página/12, Perfil and Miami Herald; and magazines like Noticias, Tres Puntos, Revista Veintitrés and Le Monde diplomatique.


Pedro Brieger Pedro Brieger PedroBriegerOk Twitter

In August 2006 he reported that Canal Siete, the channel where his program was being broadcast, had received pressure from the Israeli ambassador Rafael Eldad, because of its coverage of the military conflict in Middle East. Although the diplomatic denied these statements, the Union Press Workers of Buenos Aires issued a statement where they expressed solidarity with Brieger, considering "unacceptable the expressions of the Ambassador Eldad".

Pedro Brieger Pedro Brieger Mi compromiso es con los oyentes no con los

In August 2009 he received the Martín Fierro Award as the best male journalistic labour on TV, during 2008. In May 2010 he received again the same prize.

Pedro Brieger Entrevista a Pedro Brieger Revista Cabal

Venezuela y la constituyente pedro brieger el diario c5n 24 07 2017


Pedro Brieger NODAL en los Medios archivos NODAL

  • Whither Nicaragua? (1989)
  • The last days of the USSR - Boris Yeltsin vs. Gorbachev (1991)
  • Middle East and the Gulf War (1991)
  • Holy War or Political Struggle? Interviews and discussion on Islam (1996)
  • War and globalization after September 11" In Global World "Global War? The dilemmas of globalization. (2002)
  • The lost decade to decade of neoliberal myth. In The Economic and financial globalization. Its impact on Latin America. (2002)
  • The assemblies of neighbors, a new experience in politics. In Argentina, issues and roots of a society in crisis" (Paris 2003)
  • What's Al Qaeda? (2006)
  • One hundred questions and answers about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (2010)
  • What's Al Qaeda? (2010)
  • Nominations

    Pedro Brieger Pedro Brieger En Amrica Latina empezamos a batallar contra la

  • 2013 Martín Fierro Awards
  • Best male journalist

  • Pedro Brieger Entrevista Pedro BRIEGER YouTube


    Pedro Brieger Wikipedia

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