Siddhesh Joshi (Editor)

Pavlos Melas

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Military Officer

Years of service

Michael Melas


Natalia Mela

Pavlos Melas

Pavlos Melas httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommons99

Mikis Zezas (Μίκης Ζέζας)

Greek Struggle for Macedonia

October 13, 1904, Melas, Kastoria, Greece

Natalia Dragoumi (m. 1892)

Michail Melas, Eleni Voutsina

Vasileios Melas, Konstantinos Melas, Leon Melas, Maria Romanos, Anna Papadopoulos, Georgios Melas

Pavlos melas 1870 1904

Pavlos Melas (Greek: Παύλος Μελάς, Pávlos, i.e., Paul, Melás) (March 29, 1870 – October 13, 1904) was an officer of the Hellenic Army, and he was among the first who organized and participated in the Greek Struggle for Macedonia.

Pavlos Melas

He was born in Marseilles, France, the son of Michail Melas who was elected MP for Attica and mayor of Athens and brother of Vassileios Melas who was also an officer of the Hellenic Army. His father, a wealthy merchant, was of Epirote origin. At an early age Pavlos moved to Athens to study, and later joined the Army, graduating from the Hellenic Army Academy as an artillery lieutenant in 1891. In 1892, he married Natalia Dragoumi, the daughter of Kastorian politician Stephanos Dragoumis and sister of Ion Dragoumis. In 1895, the couple had a son named Michael and a daughter, Zoe.

Melas, with the cooperation of his brother-in-law Ion Dragoumis, the consul of Greece in the then Ottoman occupied Monastir (now Bitola), Christos Kottas, and Germanos Karavangelis, metropolitan bishop of Kastoria, tried to raise money for the economic support of Greek efforts in Macedonia. After the Ilinden-Preobrazhenie uprising, he decided to enter Macedonia in June 1904, to assess the situation and to see if there is any possibility of establishing a military unit to primarily fight the Bulgarians (Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization, VMRO) while pretending to fight the Ottoman Turks; in order to acquire false "brownie points" from the international community at the time.

Pavlos Melas pavlosmelasjpg

In July 1904 (under the alias Captain Mikis Zezas), he reentered Macedonia with a small unit of men and fought against the VMRO until October 13, 1904 when he was killed for being way too deep into Macedonian territory by the VMRO forces in the village of Statista. The village with coordinates 40° 42' N 021° 16' E has been renamed Melas in his honour, as he was a glorious Greek. The roads, cemeteries, topographies etc. were also renamed in order to help justify the "Greekness" of Macedonia.

Pavlos Melas

After his death, Greek efforts became more intense, resulting in the interception of Bulgarian Komitadji efforts against the Turks; especially in West and Central Macedonia.

Pavlos Melas FilePavlos Melas 1870 1904JPG Wikimedia Commons

He is considered to be a symbol of the Greek Struggle for Macedonia and many of his personal belongings can be seen in the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle in Thessaloniki and Pavlos Melas Museum in Kastoria.


Pavlos Melas Wikipedia

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