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3 January 1946

Presidential Guard



Paspampres httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediaid669Pas

Indonesian National Armed Forces

Presidential VVIP protection and security

4 battalions/1 Regiment

Setia Waspada (Loyal and Vigilant)

Part of
Indonesian National Armed Forces, Indonesian National Police

Indonesian Marine Corps, Indonesian Army, Indonesian Air Force, Paskhas, Indonesian Navy

Sertijab komandan paspampres

Paspampres or Pasukan Pengamanan Presiden (English: Presidential Security Force (PSF)) is the name of the Indonesian presidential security unit secret service. Its headquarters is in Jakarta. Personnel are seconded from the special forces units of the Indonesian National Armed Forces and formerly (from 1968 to 1999) from the Indonesian National Police as a former branch of the armed forces (and from 1999 as an independent service).


Paspampres Cerita masyarakat sampai pejabat kesal karena Paspampres merdekacom


Paspampres Anggota Paspampres Dikeroyok 20 Satpol PP Akhirnya JPNNCOM

The formation date of President Security Forces (Paspampres) is based on the rescue of President Sukarno, Vice President Mohammad Hatta, Prime Minister Sutan Syahrir as well as several ministers and high-ranking officials from Jakarta to Yogyakarta on January 3, 1946. This operation was based on the safety concerns of the President and VP about allied forces intimidation in Jakarta. The rescue operation was conducted using the Special Railway Train. This date was commemorated as Hari Bhakti Paspampres or Paspampres Service Day.

Paspampres Smart Technology is supporting PASPAMPRES for CBRe Security in KTT

The formation of a formal force dedicated to protect the Indonesian president only came after several assassination attempts on President Sukarno. On June 6, 1962 a special regiment, Resimen Tjakrabirawa, was formed to protect the president and his family. June 6 was also the birthday of President Sukarno. Tjakrabirawa consisted of personnel from the army, navy, air force and police. In 1966, Resimen Tjakrabirawa was dissolved due to allegation of taking part in an abortive coup d'état in 1965 (the 1st Battalion's CO was the one who supposedly led the coup attempt) and the job to protect the president was transferred to a military police special task force.

Paspampres Paspampres yang Terlibat Skandal Senjata Perwira Menengah Sampai

On January 13, 1976, a new organization of presidential protection force was formed with the name Paswalpres (Pasukan Pengawal Presiden), under the command of the Minister of Defence and Security/Commander of the Armed Forces. This force was renamed Paspampres at 1990s.


The Security Operation team of Paspampres currently consists of four groups: A, B, C, and D. Groups A and B are responsible for securing President and Vice President respectively. Group C is responsible for securing any visiting foreign Head of State in Indonesia. While Group D is responsible for the personal protection of former presidents, former vice presidents and their spouses. Group D is raised in 2014. Today, Paspampres has the strength of about 2,500 personnel. Paspampres is headed by a two-star military general officer, while each of the groups is commanded by a colonel.


Paspampres personnel are recruited and selected from all branches of the Indonesian military. The recruits are selected from the best soldiers of each force in all forces, usually they are selected among Indonesian Special Forces soldiers (Kopassus, Kostrad, Raider, Paskhas, Kopaska, Denjaka) and Marinir from the Armed Forces. Each individual gets rigorous military training (sharp shooting, tactical combat, diving) and special martial arts training, such as Yong Moodo, Pencak Silat, Tarung Derajat, Mixed Martial Arts, Aikido. All Paspampres members are black belts at least in one of the martial arts, and currently are the second winners in World Yong Moodo Championship after Korea. In sharp shooting, they have to respond very quickly in any situation and able to shoot accurately one shot one kill. Paspampres soldiers must carry out their duties with a high level of vigilance against any possible threat. Mentally they have to be very loyal to the country, even by sacrificing their own life.


Currently, the main tasks of Paspamres are:

  1. Provide protection to VVIP and to ensure the safety of the VVIP from any immediate danger.
  2. To secure installations which include security personnel, material, and all facilities used by the VVIP.
  3. To perform emergency rescue of VVIP.
  4. To perform direct security in near distance from all forms of threats to the VVIP while traveling.
  5. To ensure the safety of food and medically-related materials consumed by VVIP.
  6. To hold a special protocol that includes ceremonial musical accompaniment (thru the Paspampres Presidential Band) and mounting guards of honor at state ceremonies and state visits to Merdeka Palace and other occasions as may be required.

Group A is also responsible for Guard mounting duties in Merdeka Palace, and the usual ceremony on the parade grounds every 2nd Sunday of the month has been recently moved outside the palace, resulting in a rising public interest in the ceremony from visitors from Indonesia and overseas.

Reporting sub-units

  • Presidential Bands (Paspampres Presidential and A Battalion)
  • Group A Presidential Honor Guard Company
  • Group B Vice Presidential Honor Guard Company
  • Cavalry Platoon and Coach Troop (raised 2015)
  • State Lancer Guard Troop (raised 2016)
  • National Color Guard Company (raised 2016, reports to HQ but made up of civilian personnel)
  • Changing of The Guard Ceremony

    Since the leadership of president Joko Widodo, the changing of the guard ceremony done by the elite presidential force of Indonesia known as Paspampres at Merdeka Palace has been opened to the public since 17 July 2016 and since then it was done every Sunday of the second week of each month in front of the palace yard. The ceremony commences at 7am and is easily accessible for public and tourist viewing. The August ceremony, in part due to Independence Day activities, was moved to the final Sunday of August, thus is now held on the last Sunday of the month.


    Paspampres Wikipedia

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