Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Pōmare II

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Pomare I

Pomare I

13 February 1791

Pomare III

Pomare II

Pomare II
December 7, 1821Motu Uta, Papeete, Tahiti

Pōmare II (c. 1782 – December 7, 1821) (fully Tu Tunuieaiteatua Pōmare II or in modern orthography Tū Tū-nui-ʻēʻa-i-te-atua Pōmare II; historically misspelled as Tu Tunuiea'aite-a-tua), was the second king of Tahiti between 1782 and 1821. He was installed by his father Pōmare I at Tarahoi, February 13, 1791. He ruled under regency from 1782 to 1803.



Pōmare II httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Initially recognised as supreme sovereign and Ariʻi-maro-ʻura by the ruler of Huahine, he was subsequently forced to take refuge in Moʻorea December 22, 1808, but returned and defeated his enemies at the Battle of Te Feipī, November 12, 1815. He was thereafter recognised as undisputed king (Te Ariʻi-nui-o-Tahiti) of Tahiti, Moʻorea and its dependencies.

Marriage and Christianity

Pōmare II was married first before March 1797 (betrothed January 1792) to Queen Tetua-nui Taro-vahine, Ariʻi of Vaiari (now Papeari), who died at ʻArue, July 21, 1806.

Pomare II believed that he lost favor with the god 'Oro, and, aided by the missionary Henry Nott, he began paying more attention to the God of the Christians.

He was baptised May 16, 1819 at the Royal Chapel, Papeʻete – Christianity and the support of English missionaries aided the centralisation of monarchic power.

Three London Missionary Society missionaries, Henry Bicknell, William Henry, and Charles Wilson preached at the baptism of King Pōmare II. Afterwards, "Henry Bicknell stood on the steps of the pulpit, took water from a basin held by William Henry, and poured it" on King Pōmare's head.

Today a majority of 54% of the French Polynesian population belongs to various Protestant churches, especially the Maohi Protestant Church which is the largest and accounts for more than 50% of the population. It traces its origins to Pomare II, the king of Tahiti, who converted from traditional beliefs to the Reformed tradition brought to the islands by the London Missionary Society.


Pōmare died of drink-related causes at Motu Uta, Papeete, Tahiti on December 7, 1821.

He was succeeded by his son Pōmare III, who reigned 1821–1827.


Pōmare II Wikipedia

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