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Higher classification


Ornithoctoninae imgphotobucketcomalbumsv604GoTerpsornithocto

Tarantula, Haplopelma, Ornithoctonus, Cyriopagopus, Lampropelma

Ornithoctoninae sp orange fringed

Ornithoctoninae, also known as earth tigers, are a subfamily of Asian tarantulas, which were first erected in 1895 by Reginald Innes Pocock on basis of the genotype Ornithoctonus andersoni described in 1892 from former Burma, now Myanmar.


The Ornithoctoninae is a theraphosid sub-family, which are widely distributed in Asia from Myanmar to South China in the north and as far as to Halmahera in the Indonesian archipelago in the south, and in all the ranges in between. Most species in the subfamily live fossorially in burrows, though there are several species which are living arboreally in trees. They are known as defensive spiders; when disturbed they will quickly retreat into their burrows or dig themselves into the soil. When neither is a possibility, they will assume a defensive posture. When provoked, they will strike the aggressor repeatedly with the anterior legs; if the aggressor does not retreat these spiders has been known to bite. Though not deadly, the effects of the venom can be very unpleasant including pain, swelling and arthritis like stiffness in the joints of the extremity affected.

Ornithoctoninae Ornithoctoninae genus and species unknown female Cao Bang

The theraphosid subfamily Ornithoctoninae is defined by the following combination of characters. Presence of retrolateral scopula of filiform setae on the cheliceral base. a small row of larger filiform paddle setae retrolaterally ventro-basally in connection to the retrolateral cheliceral scopula. Arrangement of stridulatory spines prolaterally on maxilla. The character of retrolateral scopula of filiform setae on the cheliceral base is shared by the African subfamily Harpactirinae, but the Ornithoctoninae can be distinguished from the Harpactirinae by the geographic distribution range and the presence of the other characters mentioned, which are lacking in the Harpactirinae.

Ornithoctoninae Ornithoctoninae species Page 5 Arachnoboards

Ornithoctoninae sp kalimantan feeding

Care of Ornithoctoninae kept as pets

Ornithoctoninae Ornithoctoninae G spampampquotHaplopelma robustumampampquot

Specimens from the genera Haplopelma, Cyriopagopus, and Ornithoctonus are frequently kept as pets. The most commonly kept species are: Haplopelma albostriatum, H. hainanum, H. lividum, H. longipes, H. minax, H. schmidti, Ornithoctonus aureotibialis and Cyriopagopus schioedtei. More species are kept and new species enters the hobby every now and then, but most of this material needs to be properly identified or described.

Ornithoctoninae Ornithoctoninae specVietnam quotHochiminhquot 01 Ornithoctonin Flickr

Haplopelma and Ornithoctonus are burrow-dwellers. A high soil level (at least 15 cm, or 6") is necessary for them to be able to successfully dig burrows. This behavior is described by von Wirth and Huber in the "Haplopelma-tanks" (2002, 2004), which also recommends frequently watering the cage. Alternatively, one can create a "fauna box" by filling up a cage (as high as possible, up to a few centimeters below the top) with potting soil, one can place (as high as possible) a "fauna box", which one fills up with potting soil, coconut compost, or a peat moss mixture. However this method is less advantageous than the method recommended in the Haplopelma Spezialbecken. Temperatures of 23°–25 °C are sufficient.

Ornithoctoninae Ornithoctoninae sp Ho Chi Minh Vietnam Theraphosa

One should accommodate Cyriopagopus in a terrarium for tree-dwellers, but one should also include a high soil level, since the animals do like to dig into the soil, especially as juveniles.

Genera and species of Ornithoctoninae

A list of known species in Ornithoctoninae, sorted by genera:

Citharognathus (Pocock, 1895)
Type species: Citharognathus hosei

  • Citharognathus hosei (Pocock, 1895) — Borneo
  • Citharognathus tongmianensis (Zhu, Li & Song, 2002) — China
  • Cyriopagopus (Simon, 1887) [Senior synonym of Melognathus {Chamberlin, 1917}]
    Type species: Cyriopagopus paganus

  • Cyriopagopus dromeus (Chamberlin, ) — Philippines
  • Cyriopagopus paganus (Simon, 1887) — Myanmar
  • Cyriopagopus schioedtei (Thorell, 1891) — Malaysia, the Malaysian Earth Tiger
  • Cyriopagopus thorelli (Simon, 1901) — Malaysia
  • Haplopelma (Simon, 1892) [Senior synonym of Melopoeus {Pocock, 1895}]
    Type species: Haplopelma doriae

    Transferred to other genera:
    Haplopelma chrysothrix (Schmidt & Samm, 2005)Ornithoctonus aureotibialis
    Haplopelma costaleOrnithoctonus costalis

    In synonymy:
    Haplopelma huwenum (Wang, Peng & Xie, 1993) = Haplopelma schmidti

  • Haplopelma albostriatum (Simon, 1886) — Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, the Thai Zebra
  • Haplopelma doriae (Thorell, 1890) — Borneo
  • Haplopelma hainanum (Liang et al., 1999) — China [Hainan Island], the Chinese, {Hainan Island} Black Earth Tiger
  • Haplopelma lividum (Smith, 1996) — Myanmar, Thailand, the [Myanmarian] Cobalt Blue
  • Haplopelma longipes (Von Wirth & Striffler, 2005) — Myanmar, the [Myanmarian] Vietnamese Earth Tiger
  • Haplopelma minax (Thorell, 1897) — Myanmar, Thailand, the Thai Black
  • Haplopelma robustum (Strand, 1907) — Singapore, the Singaporean Gold Ring Black And Gray Earth Tiger
  • Haplopelma salangense (Strand, 1907) — Malaysia
  • Haplopelma schmidti (Von Wirth, 1991) — Vietnam, China, the [Vietnamese], Chinese Gold Earth Tiger
  • Haplopelma vonwirthi (Schmidt, 2005) — Vietnam
  • Lampropelma (Simon, 1892)
    Type species: Lampropelma nigerrimum

  • Lampropelma nigerrimum (Simon, 1892) — Indonesia, the Sangihe Island Black
  • Lampropelma violaceopes (Abraham, 1924) — Malaysia, Singapore, the Singapore[an] Blue
  • Ornithoctonus (Pocock, 1892)
    Type species: Ornithoctonus andersoni

    Transferred to other genera:
    Ornithoctonus gadgili (Tikader, 1977)Poecilotheria regalis
    Ornithoctonus hainanusHaplopelma hainanum
    Ornithoctonus huwenus (Wang, Peng & Xie, 1993)Haplopelma schmidti

  • Ornithoctonus andersoni (Pocock, 1892) — Myanmar, the [Myanmarian] Asian Mahogany, Mustard
  • Ornithoctonus aureotibialis (Von Wirth & Striffler, 2005) — Thailand, the Thai Gold Fringed
  • Ornithoctonus costalis (Schmidt, 1998) — Thailand
  • Phormingochilus (Pocock, 1895)
    Type species: Phormingochilus everetti

  • Phormingochilus everetti (Pocock, 1895) — Borneo
  • Phormingochilus fuchsi (Strand, 1906) — Sumatra
  • Phormingochilus tigrinus (Pocock, 1895) — Borneo

  • References

    Ornithoctoninae Wikipedia

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