Name Oriol Bohigas | Role Architect | |
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Books Reconstrucció de Barcelona, Proceso y erótica del diseño Similar People David Mackay, Ignasi de Sola‑Morales, Rafael Moneo, Ricardo Bofill, Josep Lluis Sert |
Interview with oriol bohigas
Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola (Barcelona, 20 December 1925) is a Spanish architect and urban planner. He is Doctor in Architecture (1963) from the ETSAB (Barcelona). He was one of the founder members of Grup R (1953–63). He works in partnership with Josep Martorell since 1951, David Mackay since 1962 and Oriol Capdevila and Francesc Gual since 2000, forming the firm MBM Arquitectes. He was Head of the School of Architecture ETSAB (1977–80) and held the Chair of Composition since 1971. He is Doctor Honoris Causae for the Technic University of Darmstadt (1992) and for the Universidad Menéndez y Pelayo (UIMP) (Santander 1995) and Chair in Honors for the UPC (Barcelona 1995).

He was Head of Urban Planning Dept. (1980–84) and Councilor of Culture (1991–94) of Barcelona's City Council. He was President of the Fundació Joan Miró (1981–88) and Ateneu Barcelonés (2003-11). He was awarded, among others, with the Gold Medal of Artistic Merits (Barcelona 1986), the Medal of Urbanism of the Académie d'Architecture (Paris 1988), the Sikkens Award (Rotterdam, 1989), the Gold Medal of Architecture from the CSCAE (Madrid, 1990), the Creu de Sant Jordi (Barcelona 1991), The City of Barcelona Award of International Projection (Barcelona 1999), the Gold Medal from the COAC (Barcelona 2007), the National Award of Architecture (Madrid 2006), The National Award of Culture (Barcelona 2011) and the Gold Medal from the Generalitat de Catalunya (Barcelona 2013). He is Hon Fellow BDA, Hon AIA, and Hon FRIBA.

He is a regular contributor of various newspapers and magazines. He has published amongst others the books: Barcelona entre el plà Cerdà i el barraquisme (1963), Arquitectura modernista (1968), Contra una arquitectura adjetivada (1969), Arquitectura española de la segunda república (1970), Reseña y catálogo de la arquitectura modernista (1972), Proceso y erótica del Diseño (1972), Once arquitectos (1976), Reconstrucció de Barcelona (1985), Combat d'incerteses. Dietari de records I (1989), Dit o fet. Dietari de records II (1992), El present des del futur (1996); Modernidad en la arquitectura de la España Republicana (1998); Del dubte a la revolució (1998), Contra la incontinencia urbana. Reconsideración moral de la arquitectura y la ciudad (2004) and Passar Comptes. Dietari de records III (2012).

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