Girish Mahajan (Editor)

Open Doors

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Brother Andrew

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Strengthening persecuted Christians

Serving persecuted Christians worldwide

Serving persecuted Christians worldwide

International Society for Human R, Youth With A Mission, Pew Research Center, China Aid, Compassion International

Open Doors is a non-denominational mission supporting persecuted Christians in over 60 countries where they consider Christianity to be socially or legally discouraged or oppressed. They are also engaged in the distribution of Bibles and literature, audio recordings, broadcasting and training. Open Doors stated aims are to raise awareness of global persecution, mobilising prayer, support and action among Christians from around the world. It is based in Ermelo, The Netherlands. The USA office is in Santa Ana, California. Open Doors is also a member of the Forum of Bible Agencies International.


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Open Doors was founded in 1955 by Andrew van der Bijl, a Dutchman more widely known as Brother Andrew, when he decided to smuggle Bibles to Christians he felt were being discriminated against in the then-Communist Poland. He continued this work in smuggling Bibles to many of the Soviet-controlled countries and in 1957 was given a blue Volkswagen Beetle which he used to make deliveries within the Communist bloc. With this new car he was able to carry more literature. Thereafter, the work of Open Doors continued to expand as it extended its network throughout Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union.

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On 18 June 1981, Open Doors delivered one million contraband Chinese Bibles in one night to a beach near the city of Shantou in southern China on a mission they named Project Pearl. Project Pearl was carried out by an international crew of 20, led by Brother David. A semi-submersible, 137-foot barge, named Gabriel', was loaded with 232 waterproof, poly-wrapped, one-ton packages containing a million Chinese Bibles. A 97-foot tugboat named Michael was used to tow Gabriel to the beach, weaving through a maze of anchored Chinese navy ships. The crew arrived at the beach at 9 pm. 10,000 Chinese Christians had gathered to bring the Bibles to shore and then deliver them all over China. Time magazine described Project Pearl as “A remarkable mission… the largest operation of its kind in the history of China.”

Open Doors Serving Persecuted Christians Worldwide Open Doors USA

In 1988, Open Doors used Glasnost as an opportunity to openly provide one million Russian Bibles to the Russian Orthodox Church, at a cost of $2.5 million. Open Doors partnered with the United Bible Societies to complete the task in just over one year.

As of August, 2007, Open Doors had offices in 27 countries.

In 2010, 428,856 people from over 70 different countries signed Open Doors' global Right to Believe petition, saying YES to religious liberty and NO to the UN's Defamation of Religions Resolution. The petition was presented to the UN in New York on Monday 6 December 2010.

In 2011 Open Doors International delivered more than 3.1 million Bibles, Children's Bibles, training and other Christian materials in nearly 50 countries, trained around 263,500 people worldwide, and served 172,000 people through community development projects.

Current work

Open Doors conduct the following work in many countries:

  • Delivering Bibles and other Christian literature
  • Providing pastoral and discipleship training
  • Conducting seminars on Christian living, family life. "Standing Strong Through the Storm" is the seminar they use to teach churches on how to survive under persecution.
  • Running Bible-based literacy courses
  • Supplying equipment and vocational training to help widows, families of prisoners of conscience, the displaced, and the unemployed to earn a living
  • Providing legal aid and spiritual and emotional comfort to prisoners and their families
  • Financing and supplying equipment to pastors, churches, and Bible colleges
  • Supplying printing presses, radios, cassette players, photocopiers, and A/V and transport equipment
  • Sponsoring Bible colleges, reconciliation ministries and restoration centres for Christian refugees, widows and orphans.
  • World Watch List

    The organization publishes an annual "World Watch List" which ranks countries by the severity of persecution that Christians face for actively pursuing their faith. The WWL is based on the research and comparison of field researchers, external experts, academics, and publicly available research documents. It is a qualitative instrument based on these subjective opinions. In 2012, the methodology of the WWL was comprehensively revised in order to provide greater credibility, transparency, objectivity and scientific quality. In 2013, further refinement of the methodology took place.

    The top 50 positions of the 2016 list are taken by the following countries:


    Open Doors Wikipedia

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