Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Nur Kasih The Movie

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Kabir Bhatia

Nur Kasih The Movie movie poster

Release date
19 May 2011 (2011-05-19)

Lagu tema nur kasih the movie yassin tizz zaqyah dipawagam 19 may 2011

Nur Kasih is a 2011 Malaysian romantic drama film serving as a continuation from the television drama series of the same name. The film was released to Malaysian cinemas on 19 May 2011.


Nur Kasih The Movie movie scenes Nur Kasih The Movie Official Trailer

Nur kasih the movie official trailer


Nur Kasih The Movie movie scenes Nur Kasih The Movie Scene

The movie begins with a view of a Jordanian desert, where two Bedouin Arabs are walking by a lonely street. They were in for an unexpected shock as they witness a train colliding in a freak accident with a vehicle.

Nur Kasih The Movie movie scenes Nur Kasih The Movie Scene

Story continues in the village where Nur Amina (Tiz Zaqyah) and Adam (Remy Ishak) reminiscing of past memories. Aidil's wife Aliya had died of an accident leaving two children, 7 year old Ilyas and 5 year old Mariam. Aidil (Fizz Fairuz) understandably becomes sad and depressed as a single parent raising two of his children alone. Ilyas, compared to the younger and more immature Mariam, understands more of the sadness and loneliness that his father suffered as the siblings grow together.

Nur Kasih The Movie movie scenes I m literally running out of ideas for these captions I just want to break my fast now

Soon enough Nur Amina becomes pregnant, much to Adam's joy after waiting for such a long time. Adam and Nur also happen to be involved in a shelter for troubled children as volunteers.

Nur Kasih The Movie movie scenes The street kids of the kampung are cute Nur Kasih

Finally, trials will come upon him again, Nur miscarriage and their son death. Adam feel very sad and almost lost faith in God because of that trials. Adam and Nur Amina was determined to go to Mecca for pleasure and closeness with God, they both want to continue education in Jordan. Aidil replace Adam and Nur task of guiding children in the shelter wildlife.

Adam and Nur was very happy there, but Adam was hit by a recurring dream about a bad luck to come. Adam had a dream that Nur died in her lap and he was very concerned if a tragedy occurs.

Main Cast

  • Remy Ishak as Adam Hj. Hassan
  • Tiz Zaqyah as Nur Amina Abu Bakar
  • Fizz Fairuz as Aidil Hj. Hassan
  • Extended cast

  • Liza Othman as Hajjah Khadijah
  • Ayu Raudhah as Alia, Aidil's wife.
  • Muniff Isa as Mamat
  • Sara Ali as Juriah, one of the residents for the shelter who has a crush on Adam.
  • Syafie Naswip as Jamal, a friend of Juriah and also a resident of the shelter.
  • Mia Sara Nasuha as Mariam, Aidil and Alia's daughter
  • Mohd Ilyas Suhaimi as Ilyas, Aidil and Alia's son
  • Cameo

  • Rahim Razali as old Aidil
  • Bonda Afida Es as old Amina
  • Mazian Ahmad as old Adam
  • Beto Kusyairy as Ustaz Wahid
  • Zain Hamid as Saif
  • Jehan Miskin as Iskandar
  • Norman Hakim as old Ilyas
  • Naeim Ghalili as the Jordanian cfficer
  • Critical response

    Entertainment portal Tupai gives the film an overall rating of 3 out of 5 The portal's review applauds its cinematography that attempts to imitate the feel of the series it was based on, and the acting by the three lead actors were lauded for successfully moving the audience. On the other hand, the film's plot was criticized for seemingly unable to find an resolution, making for a "scattered" pay-off. The review also pointed out on the difficulty of audiences following the story without watching the preceding TV series. The use of computer generated imagery in some scenes were commented to be not handled well and a distraction to the audience.

    Ost nur kasih the movie bertemu cinta mila jirin


    Nur Kasih The Movie Wikipedia

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