Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Northern Bahr el Ghazal

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South Sudan

30,543.30 km2


Bahr el Ghazal


University of Northern Bahr El-Ghazal

Map of Northern Bahr el Ghazal

Northern Bahr el Ghazal was one of the 10 former states of South Sudan before reorganisation in 2015. It had an area of 30,543 km² and was part of the Bahr el Ghazal region. It bordered South Darfur to the north, Western Bahr el Ghazal to the west and south, and Warrap and Abyei to the east. Aweil was the capital of the state.


Worldleaderstv south sudan pres salva kiir helps flood vicitms with food provisions

Women at the well in northern bahr el ghazal


Because of its proximity to Kordofan and the presence of a railway line through it to Wau it suffered extensively in the recently ended civil war in southern Sudan. North Bahr al Ghazal and adjacent parts of Western Kordofan to the north were among the most politically sensitive regions in Sudan. Missriya Arabs from Kordofan have interacted with Dinka in this region over a long time. While relations during the colonial era were largely peaceful, the recent war saw an upsurge in hostilities. Government backing to the Missriya gave them a decided advantage over local Dinka groups, and raiding by murahileen militias (and other government backed groups, including some Dinka militias) resulted in considerable loss of life, widespread abduction and pillaging of Dinka villages. Many of these raids coincided with the movement of government trains to and from Kordofan to Wau.

It had the highest rate of poverty, 76% according to government statistics, of the 10 states of South Sudan.


Retired Gen. Salva Chol Ayat was the last Acting governor of the state. He replaced Kuel Aguer Kuel in April 2015.


Northern Bahr al Ghazal, like other states in South Sudan, was divided into counties; there were five counties, headed by a County Commissioner, as illustrated below:

The counties are further divided into Payams, then Bomas.


  • Francis M. Deng, 1995, War of Visions, Conflict of Identities in the Sudan, (Washington D.C.: Brookings)
  • Human Rights Watch, 1999, Famine in Sudan, 1998, The Human Rights Causes, (New York, Human Rights Watch).
  • Dave Eggers, 2006, What is the What, (New York, Vintage Books).
  • David Keen, 1994, The Benefits of Famine, A Political Economy of Famine and Relief in Southwestern Sudan, 1983–1989, (New Jersey, Princeton University Press).
  • Garang Malong, 2012, Theatre of Hope( Nairobi University, Kenya)
  • Aweil graduates network( 2013)
  • References

    Northern Bahr el Ghazal Wikipedia

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