Samiksha Jaiswal (Editor)

North American Single Footing Horse

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Other names
Single-Footing Horse


Distinguishing features

Country of origin
United States of America

North American Single-Footing Horse North American SingleFooting Horse Info Origin History Pictures

Racking Horse, Mountain Pleasure Horse, Messara horse, Virginia Highlander, Welara

SOLD! Champion Single Footing Speed Racking Stallion Touchdown and Jacob Parks

The North American Single-Footing Horse, also called the Single-Footing Horse, is a horse breed originating in the southern United States. The term 'single-foot' refers to an intermediate ambling gait, sometimes alternately called the rack or paso largo, where the horse lifts each foot up separately and puts it down alone. and may reach speeds of up to 20 mph in this gait. Single-Footing Horses are most commonly used as trail or pleasure horses. They come in a wide range of colors, including palomino and buckskin, as well as chestnut, gray, and bay.


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The Single-Footing Horse is a medium sized breed of light riding horse. It is primarily known for its intermediate four-beat gait, which may range from 7 to 9 miles per hour on a trail ride to over 15 miles per hour at a road speed.


North American Single-Footing Horse Breeds of Livestock SingleFooting Horse Breeds of Livestock

The Single-Footing Horse is almost always used for trail or pleasure riding. All Single-Footing Horses must be shod in plain keg shoes in order to maintain registration.


North American Single-Footing Horse Breeds of Livestock SingleFooting Horse Breeds of Livestock

The Single-Footing Horse is descended from crosses of American Saddlebreds, Standardbreds and other gaited breeds, with some influence from Spanish bloodlines. An influential stallion was EZD Falcon Rowdy, who also influenced the Racking Horse breed.


North American Single-Footing Horse Wikipedia

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