Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Nicolò Pollari

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Nicolo Pollari

Nicolò Pollari httpsiytimgcomvidgc4f8QBoUYmaxresdefaultjpg

Nicol pollari l ora della pace

Nicolò Pollari (born 3 March 1943 in Caltanissetta) is a general of the Italian Guardia di Finanza, who was the former head of Italy's national military intelligence agency, or SISMI, from the 1st October 2001 until his resignation on 20 November 2006.


Nicolò Pollari Caso Abu Omar 10 anni a Pollari 9 a Mancini in Appello Il Giorno

He assisted in the CIA kidnapping of a cleric to be sent to Egypt for torture - for which he was convicted in 2013 to a 10-year jail sentence - and is claimed to have earlier supported the US efforts to justify the invasion of Iraq by providing false documents.

Nicolò Pollari Indagato Nicol Pollari ex capo del Sismi Sky TG24

A spasso con la famiglia: la sicurezza dopo l'11 settembre

Niger uranium forgeries

Nicolò Pollari Cos caduto il castello accusatorio contro Nicol Pollari Panorama

In a 2005 article in the newspaper La Repubblica he was identified by investigative reporters Giuseppe D'Avanzo and Carlo Bonini, as having brought the discredited documents at the center of the Yellowcake forgery scandal directly to Vice-President Dick Cheney's Office of Special Plans, bypassing the CIA, who knew the documents were forgeries.

Abu Omar case

Nicolò Pollari Caso Abu Omar Pollari non pu essere giudicato segreto di Stato

On 5 December 2006 his indictment was sought for his role in the abduction of Egyptian cleric Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr from the streets of Milan on 17 February 2003. Marco Mancini, n°2 of the SISMI, as well as the n°3, General Gustavo Pignero, have also been indicted, and arrested, in July 2006, for their role in the Abu Omar case, as well as 26 American citizens. On 12 February 2013 Pollari was sentenced to ten years in prison by the Appeals Court of Milan. The sentence was overturned on 24 February 2014

Mitrokhin Commission

Nicolò Pollari Dossier Sismi indagati Nicol Pollari e Pio Pompa LASTAMPAit

According to the Italian public prosecutor Pietro Salvitti, cited by La Repubblica, Nicolò Pollari, as well as Marco Mancini, were some of the informers, alongside Mario Scaramella, of senator Paolo Guzzanti, in charge of the controversial Mitrokhin Commission. Scaramella was arrested at the end of December 2006 on charges of defamation and arms-trade. The Mitrokhin Commission falsely claimed that former Italian prime minister, Romano Prodi, had been the "KGB's man in Italy" during the Cold War. Beside targeting Romano Prodi and his staff, this "network", according to Pietro Salvitti's words, also aimed at defaming General Giuseppe Cucchi (current director of the CESIS), Milan's judges Armando Spataro, in charge of the Abu Omar case, and Guido Salvini, as well as La Repubblica reporters Carlo Bonini and Giuseppe D'Avanzo.

Nicolò Pollari mediacrimeblogit1181NicolPollarijpeg

Nicolò Pollari Sismi archivio segreto a Roma Indagati Pollari e Pompa cronaca


Nicolò Pollari Wikipedia

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