Trisha Shetty (Editor)

Nepenthes madagascariensis

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Nepenthes madagascariensis Nepenthes madagascariensis photos

Scientific name
Nepenthes madagascariensis

Nepenthes masoalensis, Nepenthes macrovulgaris, Nepenthes pervillei, Nepenthes adnata, Nepenthes benstonei

Nepenthes madagascariensis arkive

Nepenthes madagascariensis (/nˈpɛnθz mædəˌɡæskɑːriˈɛnsɪs/; from Madagascar) is one of two Nepenthes pitcher plant species native to Madagascar, the other being N. masoalensis.


Nepenthes madagascariensis FileNepenthes madagascariensis plantsjpg Wikimedia Commons

Nepenthes madagascariensis seedling

Botanical history

Nepenthes madagascariensis Nepenthes Madagascariensis

Nepenthes madagascariensis was the first Nepenthes species to be discovered; Étienne de Flacourt recorded it in 1658 under the name Amramatico. He published a description of the plant in his seminal work Histoire de la Grande Isle de Madagascar. It reads:

Nepenthes madagascariensis httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

It is a plant growing about 3 feet high which carries at the end of its leaves, which are 7 inches long, a hollow flower or fruit resembling a small vase, with its own lid, a wonderful sight. There are red ones and yellow ones, the yellow being the biggest. The inhabitants of this country are reluctant to pick the flowers, saying that if somebody does pick them in passing, it will not fail to rain that day. As to that, I and all the other Frenchmen did pick them, but it did not rain. After rain these flowers are full of water, each one containing a good half-glass. [translated from French in Pitcher-Plants of Borneo]


Nepenthes madagascariensis FileNepenthes madagascariensis pitcher with lynx spiderjpg

Nepenthes madagascariensis occurs along the eastern coast of Madagascar. It is most common in the south of the island, around Tôlanaro, though it is found as far north as the Masoala Peninsula. It grows along the edges of swamps and in peaty or sandy soils at low altitudes.

Nepenthes madagascariensis Nepenthes Madagascariensis Seeds Lowland Nepenthes Seeds

The pitchers of N. madagascariensis play host to at least two species of infaunal spiders: Synema obscuripes and Theridion decaryi.

Infraspecific taxa

  • N. madagascariensis var. macrocarpa Scott Elliot (1891)
  • N. madagascariensis var. cylindrica Dub. (1906)
  • References

    Nepenthes madagascariensis Wikipedia

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