Suvarna Garge (Editor)

Nemo Peak

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First ascent

1,018 m

Easiest route

Last eruption

Nemo Peak httpsvolcanosieduPhotosfull091060jpg

Mountain type
Stratovolcano / Caldera

Tao‑Rusyr Caldera, Sinarka, Prevo Peak, Fuss Peak, Krenizyn

Nemo Peak (Russian: Пик Немо) is a stratovolcano located at the northern end of Onekotan Island, Kuril Islands, Russia. It is truncated by two nested calderas, with the cone of Nemo Peak itself rising in the southwest end of the youngest caldera and a crescent-shaped crater lake partially filling the northeast part, named Ozero Chernoye. The valley separating the peak and the southern part of the caldera is named Oohekotah, it contains a creek that drains most of the caldera, and numerous small ponds.

Map of Nemo Peak, Sakhalin Oblast, Russia, 694550


Nemo Peak Wikipedia

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