Trisha Shetty (Editor)

Negasonic Teenage Warhead

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Human Mutant

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Fictional universe
Marvel Universe

Alter ego
Ellie Phimister

Team affiliations
Negasonic Teenage Warhead 7 ways Deadpool did right in getting Negasonic Teenage Warhead wrong

Created by
Grant Morrison (writer)Frank Quitely (artist)

TelepathyPrecognitionNucleokinesisMatter ManipulationTelekinesisSuperhuman Strength, Speed, Durability and Reflexes

First appearance
New X-Men #115 (August 2001)

Angel Dust, Colossus, Ajax, Copycat, Weasel

Negasonic teenage warhead know your deadpool

Negasonic Teenage Warhead (real name Ellie Phimister) is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character was created by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely, and named after the song "Negasonic Teenage Warhead" by Monster Magnet. The character is a mutant who displays telepathic and precognitive powers, and is a student of Emma Frost.


The character appears in the 2016 feature film Deadpool, albeit with a different look and a change in the character's comic book superpowers. This was done through a deal with head of Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige. In the movie, Negasonic Teenage Warhead is a member of the X-Men portrayed by actress Brianna Hildebrand.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead httpssmediacacheak0pinimgcomoriginals62

Publication history

Negasonic Teenage Warhead Marvel Only Objected to One Thing in Deadpool The Mary Sue

Negasonic Teenage Warhead first appeared in New X-Men #115 (2001), written by Grant Morrison and illustrated by Frank Quitely.

Fictional character biography

Ellie Phimister was a Genoshan teenager and a student of Emma Frost's telepathy class. During a tutoring session, Ellie reported having a recurring nightmare fifty times the previous night wherein all people in Genosha were exterminated. She then pointed out that she had experienced the same vision during the class. Almost simultaneously, Cassandra Nova's Wild Sentinels appear on Genosha and wipe out half the world's mutant population: sixteen million people.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediaen668Neg

Carrying what appeared to be Ellie's corpse, Emma Frost, who had survived the Genoshan genocide thanks to the manifestation of her secondary mutation, turning her into diamond, was found by the X-Men's Beast and Jean Grey. Emma proclaimed the teenager, who had named herself Negasonic Teenage Warhead, to be a credit to her family and the mutant race and then suffered a mental breakdown when she found out Ellie was dead.


Negasonic Teenage Warhead ber 1000 Ideen zu Teenage Warhead auf Pinterest Comics

Much later, Negasonic Teenage Warhead was apparently seen to be alive as a member of the latest incarnation of the Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club, alongside Cassandra Nova, Sebastian Shaw, Perfection, and Emma Frost. The new Inner Circle attacked the X-Men at the Xavier Institute. While Shaw, Frost and Nova dealt with Beast, Wolverine and Colossus, Ellie claimed she had a dream of Shadowcat phasing down into the Earth's core and was unable to stop; the suggestion caused Shadowcat to lose control of her phasing powers.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead Negasonic Teenage Warhead from Deadpool looks just like a Frank

Later, a comatose Cyclops wakes up and begins shooting the members of the club, including Ellie, with a pistol. It is revealed, however, that Ellie and all the other members of the Hellfire Club were projections of Emma Frost's mind; these projections disappeared after they were revealed to be illusions.

After hearing Negasonic Teenage Warhead's codename, Kitty Pryde remarks, "Wow, we really have run out of names."


During the Necrosha event, Negasonic Teenage Warhead is revealed to be amongst the deceased mutant population of Genosha that is resurrected by the Transmode Virus by Selene and Eli Bard. However unlike the other resurrected mutants, Ellie isn't under Selene's control as seen when she refused to tell the Black Queen her real name. Ellie apparently perished once again when the Black Queen absorbed the souls of the entire deceased mutant populace of Genosha.

Marvel NOW! (2016)

Ellie returns, unexplained, and uses her telepathic abilities to establish a new, mundane life for herself in an Albuquerque suburb. Marvel NOW! Deadpool and the Mercs for Money capture her at the behest of an organization called Umbral Dynamics, unaware that the group intends to siphon her power into the Presence. After her rescue and the defeat of Presence, Negasonic Teenage Warhead joins up with Domino's incarnation of the Mercs for Money alongside Hit-Monkey.

Powers and abilities

In New X-Men #115, Ellie was in Emma Frost's Telepathy Class, presumably making her a telepath.

In X-Force #24, Ellie is the only person aware that Proteus has possessed Destiny and she shows her precognitive abilities announcing to Selene the imminent return of her victorious inner circle.

During the Deadpool & the Mercs for Money Vol. 2 series, Ellie showcased a host of new abilities she previously lacked before, creating a house and home for herself out of thin air with her thoughts. She is able to overpower a host of skilled, military or uniquely trained mercenaries in hand-to-hand combat, as well as showcasing superhuman physical prowess beyond the norm, battling the likes of Scorpia and Titania.

Over the series, Ellie shows even greater amounts of power and capabilities within her. She has the ability to harness, generate and absorb radioactive energy into herself, allowing herself to achieve feats such as fabricating objects out of thin air like clothes or shelter and levitate people or objects with her mind.


Negasonic Teenage Warhead appears in the film Deadpool, portrayed by Brianna Hildebrand. Although she was obscure as a comic character, the writers selected her because they liked her name. They also thought that a goth girl with Cannonball's powers would be a better choice for the film than using Cannonball himself. Cannonball has similar explosive powers, though as a different mutation. In the film, her powers are slightly altered, adding the ability of telekinetic detonation within a certain radius of herself, visualized in the movie as an expanding energy bubble evoking plasma and atomic blasts. She is portrayed as a young X-Men trainee who is paired with Colossus where they try to get Deadpool to join the X-Men. Negasonic Teenage Warhead is described by Deadpool as a stereotypical teenager who's "all about long sullen silences, followed by mean comments and then more silences", and lives up to that description by occasionally ignoring his mockery with her cell phone. Deadpool is also astounded by her name which he claims is "the coolest name ever". She and Colossus later aid Deadpool in his fight against Ajax by helping Colossus defeat Angel Dust after the two villains had abducted Vanessa Carlysle. In an extended scene on the film's Blu-ray release, Negasonic Teenage Warhead says she can tell the future, and predicts Deadpool will say something stupid. He tries to prove her wrong, only to begin stammering. In January of 2017 it was confirmed that the character will return for the sequel.


Negasonic Teenage Warhead Wikipedia

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