Trisha Shetty (Editor)

Naujieji Lietuviai

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Active until

001, 002

Active from

69 danguje, Egmontas Bžeskas, The Octopus Project, Eugenijus Ostapenko, Vudis

Naujieji Lietuviai (NL) (meaning "New Lithuanians" in Lithuanian) was a musical group in Lithuania. It was established in 2003.


Naujieji Lietuviai httpsiytimgcomviWhSFudvlooghqdefaultjpg

Naujieji Lietuviai - Pasitūsinam

The project consisted of 15 musicians, with core persons being Gintaras Reklaitis (music, texts, vocals) and Egmontas Bžeskas (texts, ideas, vocals, group manager). It was supported by the girl group 69 Danguje (vocals, choreography).

Naujieji Lietuviai Naujieji Lietuviai Musiclt

In 2003 they made their name with the song Pasitusinam!, a parody on the political life in Lithuania.

In 2005 the TV 1 channel declared their song Afigenai to be the most popular song and videoclip of the year. In addition, in 2006 Pravda Magazine, it its annual awards recognized "afigenai" to be the best neologism of year 2005.

Naujieji Lietuviai Naujieji Lietuviai Pamatysiu tave YouTube

The group garnered their popularity primarily over the internet: radio stations did not play their songs due to the liberal use of obscenities.

Naujieji Lietuviai NL Naujieji Lietuviai YouTube

In 2006 the group authored two albums, 001 and 002. In 2007 one of them claimed to become gold and one platinum.

Naujieji Lietuviai Naujieji Lietuviai Tankistas amerika pirtyje YouTube

In 2007 NL was disbanded amid a dispute, and Egidijus Remeikis and Egmontas Bžeskas, together with entrepreneur Ugnius Kiguolis, created the Tipo Grupe group.

On the night August 22–23, 1:45am, 2008, two group members, Egidijus Remeikis and Jevgenijus Snytkinas died in car accident in Kaunas. After that Tipo Grupe effectively ceased to exist.


R-1001 · 2006
Ruri - ruri001 · 2006
Afigenai001 · 2006


Naujieji Lietuviai Wikipedia

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