Trisha Shetty (Editor)

National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

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1 January 1929

National Academy of Sciences of Belarus wwwinteracademiesnetFileaspxid18170


The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB) (Belarusian: Нацыянальная акадэмія навук Беларусі, Russian: Национальная академия наук Беларуси, НАН Беларуси, НАНБ ) is the national academy of Belarus.



The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (formerly Belarusian Academy of Sciences in 1928-1936; Academy of Sciences of the Byelorussian SSR in 1936-1991; Academy of Sciences of Belarus in 1991-1997) was founded on January 1, 1929 on the basis of The Institute of Belarusian Culture (Inbelkult, 1922—1928) which was reorganized to the Academy of Science through the Decree of Central Executive Committee and Soviet of People's Commissars of the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic on October 13, 1928. At the beginning of its activity the Academy had only 128 staff members, among them 87 scientists. By 1941 the Academy had 750 staff and 12 subdivisions.

During World War II the Academy was evacuated to Russia and other Soviet republics. Huge damage was brought to the Academy's material state.

Right after war's end, eight institutes started their activity again. By 1951 the Academy had 29 subdivisions, 1234 staff including 33 academicians. The Academy was supported by the governments of Belarus and the USSR as well as by leading scientific centres in Moscow, Leningrad and other Soviet cities.

Through its history the National Science Academy of Belarus has grown up to a respectful scientific center. A USSR-wide fame had Belarusian scientists like Panas Akhrem (chemistry), Mikalay Barysyevich (physics), Fyodar Fyodaraw (physics), Vyeniyamin Vacyakow (medicine, biology), Uladzimir Ulashchyk (medicine, biology).

Republic of Belarus

After the dissolution of the Soviet Union the scope of the academic research and the structure of the academy had undergone significant changes, with more emphasis on applied problems, under the immediate supervision of Alexander Lukashenko in accordance with the Law №159-3 of May 5, 1998 "On the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus" and Decree of the President of Belarus №390 of August 4, 1998 "On Additional Measures on Realization by the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus of the Status of Higher State Scientific Organization".

Scientific-application centers

The scientific-application centers (Научно-практические центры, Scientific and Practical Centers) were introduced by Lukashenko's decree in 2006. Their emphasis is the problems of vital interest for the economical development of the country. The first centers of this kind created in 2006 specialize in agriculture. Later in 2006 an e-commerce

  • Scientific and Practical Center for Arable Farming
  • Scientific and Practical Center for Animal Breeding
  • Scientific and Practical Center for Potato, Vegetable and Fruit Growing
  • Scientific and Practical Center for Agriculture Mechanization
  • Scientific and Practical Center for Foodstuffs
  • Inter-branch Scientific and Practical Center for Identification Systems and E-business Operations
  • Research institutes and centers

  • Central Botanic Garden
  • Grodno Zonal Institute of Plant Growing
  • Institute of Applied Physics
  • Institute of Arable Farming and Selection
  • Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry
  • Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering
  • Institute of Chemistry of New Materials
  • Institute of Economics
  • The Center of Agricultural Economics
  • Institute of Electronics
  • Institute of Experimental Botany
  • Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine
  • Institute of Flax
  • Institute for Fish Industry
  • Institute of Forest
  • Institute for Fruit Growing
  • Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry
  • Institute of Genetics and Cytology
  • The National Co-ordination Centre for BioSafety
  • Institute of Geochemistry and Geophysics
  • Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer
  • Institute of History
  • Institute for Land Reclamation
  • Institute of Linguistics
  • Institute of Literature
  • Institute of Mathematics
  • Institute for Meat and Milk Industry
  • Institute of Mechanics of Metal-Polymer Systems
  • Institute of Metal Technology
  • Institute of Microbiology
  • Institute of Molecular and Atomic Physics
  • Institute of Philosophy
  • Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry
  • Institute of Physics
  • Institute of Physiology
  • Institute of Plant Protection
  • Institute for Problems of Natural Resources Use and Ecology
  • Institute of Radiobiology
  • Institute of Sociology
  • Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry
  • Institute of State and Law
  • Institute of Study of Arts, Ethnography and Folklore
  • Institute of Technical Acoustics
  • Institute for Vegetable Crops
  • Institute of Zoology
  • Joint Institute of Machine Building
  • Joint Institute of Power and Nuclear Research - "Sosny"
  • Joint Institute of Solid State and Semiconductor Physics
  • Physical-Engineering Institute
  • Scientific and Engineering Center "Plasmoteg"
  • Polessian Agrarian-Ecological Institute
  • Powder Metallurgy Institute
  • Republican Scientific and Engineering Center for Remote Sensing of Environment "Ecomir"
  • Research Center of Resource-Saving Problems
  • Scientific-Engineering Enterprise "Geoinformation Systems"
  • Scientific and Production Center "The Institute of Pharmacology and Biochemistry"
  • United Institute of Informatics Problems
  • Design facilities

  • Unitary enterprise Metallopolimer
  • Development and production of equipment for grading and recycling of polymer secondary materials.
  • Development and production of equipment for application of polymer powder coatings.
  • Production of equipment for recovery of building refuse.
  • Manufacture of fibrous-porous materials
  • Unitary enterprise Nuklon
  • Development and organization of manufacture of laser-optical and spectral devices for scientific research, medicine, ecologies, equipment for processing of milk, vegetable growing, hothouses, electric drives for wheelchairs, electro bicycles
  • R&D center CKB
  • machine building, instrument manufacturing, optical production
  • R&D center Axicon
  • Design and manufacturing of spectral devices for composition, structure and properties of matter control and for medical-biological measurements; optoelectronics devices for control of environmental parameters and technological processes; solid-state lasers and tunable dye lasers; meters of laser radiation wavelength; high-resolution laser spectrometers; glass and crystalline optical elements; unified mechanical assemblies for breadboard of schemes of optical, laser and spectral devices; printed-circuit boards
  • Design Bureau "Academical" ("ОКБ Академическое")
  • Experimental-design works of power plant engineering type on manufacturing the complex installation for scientific investigations and equipment for industrial use. Design and manufacturing of reservoir equipment; vessels, working under pressure; heat-exchange apparatus, hermetic machines and sealing units, rectification installation and other equipment
  • Experimental facilities

  • Scientific Experimental Station on Sugar Beet
  • Agricultural Experimental Station of Minsk, Mogilev and Vitebsk Oblasts
  • Experimental bases of the Institute of Forest
  • Libraries, museums, archives

  • Yakub Kolas Central Scientific Library
  • Belarusian Agricultural Library
  • Museum of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
  • Museum of Ancient Belarusian Culture
  • Museum of Boulders of the Institute of Geochemistry and Geophysics, a unique collection of glacial boulders of over 2,000 glacial stones
  • NANB Central Scientific Archive
  • "Belarusian Science" publishing house

    Previously known as Navuka i Tekhnika ("Science and Technology").


    National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Wikipedia

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