Siddhesh Joshi (Editor)

Naomi Oreskes

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Naomi Oreskes


Merchants of Doubt

Naomi Oreskes Naomi Oreskes Bristol Festival of Ideas

November 25, 1958 (age 65) (

Stanford UniversityU.S. Environmental Protection AgencyDartmouth CollegeHarvard UniversityNew York UniversityUniversity of California, San Diego

Alma mater
Imperial College, University of LondonStanford University

Merchants of Doubt, The Rejection of Continental Drift: Theory and Method in American Earth Science

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History of science, Economic geology

Answering climate change skeptics naomi oreskes

Naomi Oreskes (born November 25, 1958) is an American historian of science. She became Professor of the History of Science and Affiliated Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Harvard University in 2013, after 15 years as Professor of History and Science Studies at the University of California, San Diego. She has worked on studies of geophysics, environmental issues such as global warming, and the history of science. In 2010, Oreskes co-authored Merchants of Doubt which identified some parallels between the climate change debate and earlier public controversies.


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Naomi Oreskes How Naomi Oreskes Discovered the Roots of Climate Change

Oreskes is the daughter of Susan Eileen (Nagin), a teacher, and Irwin Oreskes, a professor. She received her Bachelor of Science in mining geology from the Royal School of Mines of Imperial College, University of London in 1981, and worked as a research assistant in the Geology Department and as a teaching assistant in the departments of Geology, Philosophy and Applied Earth Sciences at Stanford University starting in 1984. She received her PhD degree in the Graduate Special Program in Geological Research and History of Science at Stanford in 1990. She received a National Science Foundation's Young Investigator Award in 1994.

Naomi Oreskes Naomi Oreskes Lecture quotMerchants of Doubt How a Handful

She has worked as a consultant for the United States Environmental Protection Agency and US National Academy of Sciences, and has also taught at Dartmouth, Harvard and New York University (NYU). She is the author of or has contributed to a number of essays and technical reports in economic geology and history of science in addition to several books.

Naomi Oreskes Naomi Oreskes at Snow College Snowdrift

Oreskes was the Provost of the Sixth College at the University of California, San Diego.

Scientific methods and model validation

Oreskes worked on scientific methods, in particular model validation in the Earth sciences.

In 1999 she participated as a consultant to the US Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board for developing a repository safety strategy for the Yucca Mountain project, with special attention to model validation.

Science and society essay

Oreskes wrote an essay on science and society "Beyond the Ivory Tower: The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change" in the journal Science in December 2004.

In the essay she reported an analysis of "928 abstracts, published in refereed scientific journals between 1993 and 2003 and published in the ISI database with the keywords 'climate change'". The essay stated the analysis was to test the hypothesis that the drafting of reports and statements by societies such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, American Association for the Advancement of Science and National Academy of Sciences might downplay legitimate dissenting opinions on anthropogenic climate change. After the analysis, she concluded that 75 percent of the examined abstracts either explicitly or implicitly backed the consensus view, while none directly dissented from it. The essay received a great deal of media attention from around the world and has been cited by many prominent persons such as Al Gore in the movie An Inconvenient Truth.

In 2007, Oreskes expanded her analysis, stating that approximately 20 percent of abstracts explicitly endorsed the consensus on climate change that: "Earth's climate is being affected by human activities". In addition, 55 percent of abstracts "implicitly" endorsed the consensus by engaging in research to characterize the ongoing and/or future impact of climate change (50 percent of abstracts) or to mitigate predicted changes (5 percent). The remaining 25 percent focused on either paleoclimate (10%) or developing measurement techniques (15%); Oreskes did not classify these as taking a position on contemporary global climate change.

Merchants of Doubt

Merchants of Doubt is a 2010 book by Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway. Oreskes and Conway, both American historians of science, identify some remarkable parallels between the climate change debate and earlier controversies over tobacco smoking, acid rain, and the hole in the ozone layer. They argue that spreading doubt and confusion was the basic strategy of those opposing action in each case. In particular, Fred Seitz, Fred Singer, and a few other contrarian scientists joined forces with conservative think tanks and private corporations to challenge the scientific consensus on many contemporary issues.

The conservative Marshall Institute has been critical of the book, but most reviewers received it "enthusiastically". One reviewer said that Merchants of Doubt is exhaustively researched and documented and may be one of the most important books of 2010. Another reviewer saw the book as his choice for best science book of the year.

A film with the same name, inspired by the book, was released in 2015.

Selected awards, honors, and fellowships

  • George Sarton Award Lecture, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2004
  • American Philosophical Society Sabbatical Fellowship, 2001-2002.
  • National Science Foundation Young Investigator Award, 1994-1999.
  • National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for University Teachers, 1993-94.
  • Society of Economic Geologists Lindgren Prize for outstanding work by a young scientist, 1993.
  • Ritter Memorial Fellowship in History of Marine Sciences, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 1994.
  • Listed, Who's Who in American Science and Engineering, Who's Who in the West.
  • Elected a Fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, 2015.
  • References

    Naomi Oreskes Wikipedia

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