Puneet Varma (Editor)


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Namagashi Namagashi An Exquisite Type of Japanese Confectionary Japan Info

Main ingredients
Fruit jellies or sweetened bean paste

Wagashi, Higashi, Yōkan, Manjū, Monaka

Eating japanese sweets jou namagashi asagao asmr

Namagashi (生菓子) are a type of wagashi, which is a general term for snacks used in the Japanese tea ceremony. Namagashi may contain fruit jellies, other gelatines such as Kanten or sweetened bean paste. It is beautifully designed in detail using seasonal and natural motifs such as leaves and flowers to reflect the various objects of nature in Japan's four seasons. Namagashi are usually freshly made and contain 30% more moisture than other wagashi. Like other wagashi, namagashi are made of natural ingredients, additives are rarely used.


Namagashi Namagashi An Exquisite Type of Japanese Confectionary Japan Info

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