Harman Patil (Editor)

Najbolji hrvatski tamburaši

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Najbolji hrvatski tamburaši - 25 godina, 16 Zlatnih Hitova

Porin Award for Best Tamburitza Music Album, Porin Award for Best Folklore Song

Stanko Šarić, Hrvoje Majić, Zdravko Šljivac, Denis Špegelj, Krunoslav Golubičić

Bundekfest 2014 klapa ufit najbolji hrvatski tambura i klapa maslina slavonia band

Najbolji Hrvatski Tamburaši (Best Croatian Tambura Players) is a Croatian tambura group. The group was formed in 1983 as Zlatni Dukati. After a tour of America organized by the Croatian Fraternal Union, the band started to compose more music about Croatia. This came to coincide with the Croatian War of Independence which brought such traditional music back into the spotlight.


In 1997 the group changed its name to the very cocky, Najbolji Hrvatski Tamburaši. This name was meant to be only temporary, and as of 2010, the group is considering changing it. The band is signed to Croatia Records.

Najbolji hrvatski tambura i sve u prodat sutra


Zlatni Dukati were formed back in 1983. They appeared on the tambura scene with their first album titled "Ni sokaci nisu što su nekad bili". Album was released by then Jugoton, now "Croatia Records". Original members of the band were:

  • Zoran Bucković-prim
  • Stanko Šarić-basprim
  • Zdravko Šljivac-basprim
  • Zeljko Miloš (Yinks)-celo
  • Mario Pleše-kontra
  • Mato Lukačević-bas
  • Marijan Majdak-Vocals
  • In the above-mentioned formation the band played only for one season. Two members, Mato Lukačević and Stanko Šarić continued to play under different name "Zlatni Dukati". They were joined with group of tambura players from their hometown of Štitar in Slavonia. The leader of the band was Šima Dominković and the rest of the members were: Andrija Miličić, Mato Miličić, Mirko Gašparović, Josip Dominković, Mato Lukačević and Stanko Šarić. Little bit later they were joined by Hrvoje Majić. For the next few years they perform exclusively in Slavonia around the town of Županja. 1985 marks the end of this formation of the group because of the internal problems. One year later Mato Lukačević with the help of Stjepan Bogutovac forms yet another formation of Zlatni Dukati. Third formation of the band consisted of:

  • Petar Nikolić-violin
  • Hrvoje Majić-basprim
  • Mirko Gašparović-basprim
  • Stjepan Bogutovac-basprim
  • Mato Miličić(Pista)-kontra
  • Mato Lukačević-bas
  • This formation also performs around the town of Županja for the most part. Especially important for this formation was their regular weekly gig at the "Tavern Kristal" where band performs during 1986 and 1987. By the end of 1986 Stanko Šarić joins the band again while violin player Petar Nikolić leaves the band. During the summer of 1987 the band stars their first tour around Croatia with the help of music agency "Lira" from Cakovec. Band members for the tour were:

  • Hrvoje Majić-prim
  • Mirko Gašparović-basprim
  • Stjepan Bogutovac-basprim
  • Stanko Šarić-basprim
  • Mato Miličić (Pista)-kontra
  • Mato Lukačević-bas
  • That same year band started working with composer Josip Ivanković which resulted with the release of album "Nek zvone tambure". Album was released in 1988. After disagreements with Josip Ivanković, in June 1988 Stjepan Bogutovac leaves the band. The rest of the band continues working with Ivanković which resulted in several successful albums.

    During their tour in USA, which was organized by CFU, the band came to idea to record an album with Croatian patriotic songs. The name of that album was "Hrvatska Pjesmarica" . This release was a great success and in a great part has contributed to the popularization of tambura music in general.

    During and after the war in 1991 Zlatni Dukati continue to record patriotic songs. The name of that album was "U meni Hrvatska" which boosted the morale of Croatian soldiers on the front lines.

    Successful collaboration with Josip Ivankovic ends in 1996 after numerous disagreements and fights. The court proceedings are still pending and this matter hasn't been resolved yet. Because of the litigation "Zlatni Dukati" changed their name to "Najbolji Hrvatski Tamburaši" in 1997. Even though the band had to change the name "Dukati" continue to be successful. Under the name "Najbolji Hrvatski Tamburaši" the band releases following albums: "Vranac", "Nek me pamte gradovi", "Hrvatske pjesme iz Bosne i Hercegovine", "Sedam dana", "Divne godine", "Tamburica od javora suva", "Sretan Bozic", "Nostalgija" and the latest release "Slavonijo, biseru Hrvatske".

    In 1999 the band was hit by a tragedy. Prim player Hrvoje Majić commits suicide for unknown reasons. These were very tragic and shocking news not only for family and band members but also for the whole Croatian public. After this great irreversible loss the band finds the strength to continue with work. In place of Hrvoje Majić, Denis Špegelj joins the band. Denis is young and talented prim player from Virovitica. His youth and enthusiasm brings freshness to "Najbolji Hrvatski Tamburaši". The latest edition to the band is celo player Krunoslav Golubičić.

    The current members of Najbolji Hrvatski Tamburaši:

  • Denis Špegelj-prim
  • Mirko Gašparović-basprim
  • Stanko Šarić-basprim
  • Krunoslav Golubičić-celo
  • Mato Miličić (Pista)-kontra
  • Mato Lukačević-bas
  • Discography

    1. Nek zvone tambure – 1988
    2. Pjevaj kad dusa boli – 1989
    3. Hrvatska pjesmarica – 1989
    4. Dao bih zlatne dukate – 1990
    5. Horvatska domovina – 1990
    6. U meni Hrvatska – 1991
    7. Klasika – 1991
    8. 16 zlatnih hitova – 1992
    9. Da su meni krila laka – 1993
    10. Sretan Bozic – 1993
    11. Starogradska pjesmarica – 1994
    12. Od dvora do dvora – 1994
    13. Suzivot – 1995
    14. Vranac – 1996
    15. Nek me pamte gradovi – 1998
    16. Hrvatske pjesme iz Bosne i Hercegovine – 1999
    17. Sedam dana – 2001
    18. Divne godine – 2003
    19. Tamburica od javora suva – 2004
    20. Sretan Bozic – 2005
    21. Nostalgija – 2007
    22. Zlatna kolekcija (Zlatni dukati) – 2007
    23. Zlatna kolekcija (Najbolji hrvatski tamburasi) – 2007
    24. Slavonijo, biseru Hrvatske – 2010


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    Najbolji hrvatski tamburaši Wikipedia

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