Sneha Girap (Editor)

Nabi Avcı

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Omer Dincer

Turkish Politician

Nabi Avci


Nabi Avci habersolorgtrsitesdefaultfilesnabiavcijpg
Prime Minister
Recep Tayyip ErdoganAhmet Davutoglu

Eskisehir (2011, June 2015, Nov 2015)

8 October 1953 (age 70) Demirkoy, Pazaryeri, Bilecik, Turkey (

Political party
Politician, academician

Justice and Development Party

Habibe Avci, Abdullah Avci

Similar People
Omer Dincer, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Mehmet Muezzinoglu, Ahmet Davutoglu, Yilmaz Buyukersen

Interview 1 mr nabi avc turkey s minister of national education

Nabi Avcı (born 8 October 1953, Demirköy, Pazaryeri, Bilecik, Turkey) is a Turkish academic, writer and politician who was formerly chief advisor to the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.


Nabi Avcı Avc39dan Berkin Elvan aklamas

Interview 3 mr nabi avc turkey s minister of national education

Early years

Nabi Avcı was born to Abdullah Avcı and his wife Habibe. He graduated from Middle East Technical University's Faculty of Administrative science, and earned later his PhD in Communication science from Anadolu University. In 1974, Avcı entered Ministry of Culture as a clerk.


Nabi Avcı Nabi Avc kimdir aslen nerelidir ei ve ocuklar

During the foundation years of Anadolu University, he served as a lecturer at the Faculty of Communication science. Avcı was appointed advisor at the Ministry of National Education and to the Prime Minister. He worked also as program director at a television channel as well as newspaper columnist and advisor to editor-in-chief.

Nabi Avcı Nabi Avc39dan gndeme dair nemli aklamalar

In 2000, he became a professor for Communication science at Istanbul Bilgi University. Avcı was appointed 2003 chief advisor to the Prime minister.

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Nabi Avcı served as a board member of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) and chairman of the Turkey National Committee of UNESCO.


Nabi Avcı Kltr ve Turizm Bakan Nabi Avc oldu

Avcı was elected as a Member of Parliament for Eskişehir in the 2011 general election. On 24 January 2013, he was appointed Minister of National Education replacing Ömer Dinçer in the cabinet.

Family life

Avcı is married and has five children.

Nabi Avcı Nabi Avc kimdir aslen nerelidir ei ve ocuklar


Nabi Avcı Wikipedia

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