Rahul Sharma (Editor)


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Papua New Guinea

Broadcast area
Papua New Guinea

1359 Boroko NCD Port Moresby

Launch date
1973 (radio) 2008 (television)

Politics of Papua New Guinea

The NBC (National Broadcasting Corporation) is Papua New Guinea's state owned broadcaster. Its head office is in Boroko, Port Moresby, and has approximately 20 locations around the country.


The NBC was set up by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation before independence in 1973. On 1 December 1973 the NBC (the National Broadcasting Commission as it was known at the time) was handed over to the Papua New Guinea government.

Two national radio stations - NBC Radio and Tribe - and the television station operate from the head office.

NBC Radio

NBC Radio PNG broadcasts on frequency 90.7 FM.

NBC Television

NBC TV, formerly known as Kundu 2 Television / National Television Service, is Papua New Guinea's free-to-air television network.

NBC TV launched in September 2008 as a platform for the National Government to provide an information service for the people of PNG.

Tribe FM

Tribe FM is the NBC's youth music and talk radio station. It broadcasts on frequency 92.3 FM across most of Papua New Guinea.

NBC Provincial Locations

  • Radio New Ireland
  • Radio Chimbu
  • Radio Enga
  • Radio Southern Highlands
  • Radio Sandaun
  • Rado East Sepik
  • Radio Madang
  • Radio Central
  • Radio Gulf
  • Radio Western
  • Radio Northern
  • Radio Morobe
  • Radio Milne Bay
  • Radio Eastern Highlands
  • Radio Western Highlands
  • Radio Manus
  • Facebook page

  • Radio East Britain
  • Radio West New Britain
  • Radio Bougainville
  • References

    NBC PNG Wikipedia

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