Girish Mahajan (Editor)

Muslims for Progressive Values

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Muslims for Progressive Values (MPV) was founded and incorporated by Ani Zonneveld August 2007, headquartered in Los Angeles and with a regional office in Malaysia. It is a faith-based human rights organization with networks in Bangladesh, Canada, France, Chile, Germany, the Netherlands and Australia, and throughout the U.S. MPV provides educational and theological resources for Muslims with a liberal or progressive Islamic worldview. In response to global discourse of Islamophobia and the radicalization of Islam, MPV seeks to dismiss false ideologies about Muslims and Islam. Through their global advocacy and community programs MPV enlighten Muslims and non-Muslim populations globally.


At the core of MPV’s work is to stimulate critical thinking of sacred texts and to promote the implementation of progressive values, such as human rights, gender equality, which are all deeply rooted in both Islamic and democratic principles

In December 2013, United Nations recognized Muslims for Progressive Values as an official non-government organization (NGO) association member. The NGO/DPI Executive Committee represents 1,500 NGO organizations with monthly meetings. MPV’s consultative status enable its advocacy to go global by challenging human rights abuses in the name of Sharia law of Muslim-majority countries at the United Nations and at the Human Rights Council on issues of women's rights, LGBTQ rights, Freedom of Expression and Freedom of and from Religion and Belief.

MPV has a board of advisors including scholars and activists such as: Reza Aslan, Amir Hussein, Karima Bennoune, Daayiee Abdullah, Zainah Anwar, Saleemah Abdul-Ghafur, and El-Farouk Khaki.

Goal and vision

Muslims for Progressive Values’ (MPV) mission is to embody and be an effective voice of the traditional Qur'anic ideals of human dignity, egalitarianism, compassion and social justice. Muslims for Progressive Values (MPV) envisions Islam and an Islamic community that embodies the ten principles of MPV. Further, MPV envisions a future where Islam is understood as a source of dignity, justice, compassion and love for all humanity and the world.

Guiding principles

MPV is guided by the below listed ten principles which are in Islam.

Community-level programming

MPV carries out grassroots activities through its local chapters in the US, namely in Atlanta, Columbus, Washington DC, Chicago, New York and Los Angeles, and in Australia, Canada, Chile, France and Malaysia. These activities promote the mission and values of MPV at the local level. Their activities fall under the following categories: Arts, Faith-Based Initiatives, Social Justice, and Educational Campaigns.

MPV Unity Mosques

MPV Chapters offer progressive and inclusive prayer spaces in the US and Canada. All members of the community, men, women, and LGBTQ members take turn leading prayers, giving sermon and doing the call of prayer [adhan]. MPV mosques are 100% funded by members of the community.

  • Located at 5998 W Pico Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90035-2657 and members can also attend virtually. The adhan, prayer and khutbah may be led by a man or a woman, and the congregants participate together. Individual men and women can choose to stand/sit one side or the other if they prefer.
  • #ImamsForShe initiative

    MPV launched a global initiative in March 2015 to address misogynist interpretations of Islamic scripture and traditions that have led to human rights violations carried out in the name of Islam against women and girls and the sub-human status of women and girls across Muslim-majority countries and within Muslim communities in the West. The initiative’s purpose is to support and provide solidarity for Imams, Muslim lay leaders and Islamic scholars who actively advocate for women's rights, for empowerment and gender equality and debunk misogyny in the name of Islam.

    MPV nikah/officiant services

    MPV provides nikah/officiant services for all, including same-sex and interfaith couples.

    MPV khutbahs

    MPV provides khutbahs (sermons). They have an open format for sermons (khutbahs). Their sermons can be provided by anyone either in written format or in person.

    Educational campaigns

    MPV creates of specific progressive ijtihad content targeted to youth. Their content is distributed via social media, forums, lectures, YouTube, podcasts, music, arts festivals and other communication vehicles utilized by youth. The organization shares educational materials and raises awareness through conferences, universities and seminars.

    Social justice

    MPV’s participates in social justice movements and events such as International Women’s Day, Human Rights Day and Pride celebrations. MVP actively builds alliances and partnerships US-based organizations, such as Sauti Yetu and other organizations, on the domestic issues of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting, child/forced marriages, and women’s reproductive rights.

    MPV actively advocates for key changes on issues of gender equality, LGBTQI rights, freedom of expression and freedom of and from belief within American Muslim communities.

    Faith-based initiatives

    MPV supports the Unity Mosques in their religious activities, such as Eid prayer services, Qur'an studies.

    MPV conducts marriages, including interfaith and same-sex Islamic marriages.

    MPV engages and collaborates with Islamic scholars in disseminating sound progressive Qur'anic ijtihad based on traditional Qur'anic texts.


    MPV creates specific progressive ijtihad content targeted to youth. This content is distributed via social media, forums, lectures, YouTube, music, arts festivals and other communication vehicles utilized by youth, thus by-passing established religious and political institutions.

    MPV sponsors and host lecture series, faith/interfaith-based services, arts, music and theater events that promote inclusive expressions of Islam.

    MPV develops comprehensive media and public relations campaigns that includes strategic use of press releases, social media, earned media, and cultural expressions.

    Global advocacy programming

    On a global level, MPV carries out activities geared at advocating against human rights abuses carried out in the name of Islam in Muslim-majority states. the organization particularly monitors human rights issues in Muslim-majority countries related to women’s rights, LGBTQI rights, freedom of and from religion and freedom of expression. Their Global Advocacy Work falls under the following categories:Educational Campaign, Analysis, Advocacy and Outreach.

    Educational campaign

    MPV produces, translates, and circulates educational materials addressing key areas of concern, such as infographics, social media content, short videos.

    MPV circulates and translates shadow reports, policy briefs, statements.


    MPV produces statements, policy briefs and shadow reports to be shared with country representatives, policy makers, civil society and lay audience.

    MPV monitors human rights issues in Muslim-majority countries.

    MPV collects of grassroots information on human rights issues in Muslim-majority countries.


    MPV participates in debates, interactive dialogues, panel discussions and informal meetings with relevant Member States of the UN, civil society leaders and like-minded religious and non-religious non-governmental organizations. MPV organizes and attends parallel events and hosting of speakers, including scholars in Islam,progressive religious leaders and civil society leaders, to share their expertise and first-hand accounts on human rights issues to a global audience.

    Advocacy and Outreach

    MPV shares their mission, vision and guiding principles with women and LGBTQI human rights advocates, religious minority advocates, UN Member States, human rights NGOs and members of relevant UN human rights committees to for purposes of alliance, solidarity, and collaborations

    MPV promotes perspectives derived from their work and analyses to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), UN treaty bodies and special mechanisms, and international, regional, and national NGOs involved in international advocacy.

    MPV in the News

    MPV is widely covered in America and global media such as BBC, TIME Magazine, Al Jazeera, Russia Today, the Los Angeles Times, Open Democracy, CNN, The New York Times, and the Huffington Post.

    Media mentions:

  • "Breaking The Mould," BBC World Service, July 2015.
  • "Un-Islamic to Criminalise Homosexuality - Muslim Group with Malaysian Links," Malay Mail Online, June 2015.
  • "#ImamsForShe Launched,", April 2015.
  • "Open Letter to Saudi King Salman,", February 2015.
  • "Why Do Progressive Religious Institutions Support Conservative Muslims? Part 1," Huffington Post, April 2014.
  • "A new Muslim Renaissance is Here," TIME, April 2014.
  • "A Lesbian Muslim Unveiled - Moving Forward with Muslims for Progressive Values,", January 2013.
  • "Progressive Muslims Launch Gay-Friendly, Women-Led Mosques In Attempt to Reform American Islam," Huffington Post, March 2012.
  • Awards and recognition

    MPV has received worldwide recognition for the work it has carried out and its uncompromising messaging. In 2006, the American Society for Muslim Advancement named Ani Zonneveld “A Muslim Leader of Tomorrow”. Recognized as an international progressive movement, MPV secured its consultative status at the United Nations in December 2013. In 2014, MPV was awarded for its activism for LGBTQI rights by The Inner Circle, South Africa. In 2014, Ani Zonneveld was recognized by the LGBTQI website as a religious leader that gives hope to LGBTQI individuals. Ani Zonneveld has been named as one of the world’s 100 WISE Muslim Women.


    Muslims for Progressive Values Wikipedia

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